Classes Offered: 2022 Financial Management Hospitality Accounting Financial Accounting Money and Financial Markets Data Analysis and Statistics
Tarus, D.K., Tuwey, J.K. & Yego, J.K., 2022. Does board chairperson experience matter? Examining the relationship between board attributes and human rights reporting in Kenya. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society.
Raburu, E.A., et al., 2014. Assessment of Solid and Liquid Wastes From Different Hospitality Establishments in Kisumu City, Kenya.
Mapelu, I.C., et al., 2013. Determinants of the Level of Revenue of Tourist Enterprises within the North Coastal Region of Kenya. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Sports, 1, p.23–27.
Rotich, D.J., Yego, J. & Korir, J., 2012. Factors that affect the Outcome of Outside Catering in Kenya. Food Science and Quality Management, 9, p.8–16.
Yego, J., Rotich, D.J. & Korir, J., 2012. Factors that affect the Outcome of Outside Catering in Kenya.
Rotich, R., Akunja, L. & Yego, J., 2012. Extent of adoption of Quality Management Systems in the hospitality and catering industry: a study of selected establishments in Nairobi. Food Science and Quality Management, 9.