Repositioning Africa in global knowledge production. Lancet 392, p.1163-1166.
, 2018. Publications
, 2018.
Teachers’ Gender Influence on Adoption and Use of Information and Communication Technology in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya. African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 4, p.236–243.
, 2018. Measuring Learning Outcomes in Kenya: Context and Perspectives. , 28, p.223-248.
, 2016. Measuring learning outcomes in Kenya: Context and Perspectives. In Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2015. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, p. 223–248.
, 2016. Provision of Education to the Hard to reach Amidst Discontinuity in Normadic Communities in Kenya. Forum for International Research in Education, 3.
, 2016. Provision of Education to the ‘Hard to Reach’Amidst Discontinuity in Nomadic Communities in Kenya. In FIRE: Forum for International Research in Education. p. 2.
, 2016. Textbook Policy in Kenya: Current Status and Options. Research Triangle International ( RTI).
, 2014. Transformational Leadership and School Outcomes in Kenya. Does Emotional Intelligence Matter?. Forum for International Research in Education:, 1.
, 2014. Transformational Leadership and School Outcomes in Kenya: Does Emotional Intelligence Matter? In FIRE: Forum for International Research in Education. ERIC, p. 26–49.
, 2014. An Analysis of Emotional Intelligence and the Performance of Principals in Selected Schools in Kenya. Journal of Advances in Developing Human Resources, 11, p.719– 746.
, 2013. The award of the PhD degree in Kenyan universities: a quality assurance perspective. Quality in Higher Education, 17, p.163-178.
, 2013. Acquisition and Utilization of ICT Skills among University students in Sub-Sahara Africa: A Case of Universities in Kenya. Sage open line journal. Journal of continuing open and Distance Education.
, 2012. Community Colleges Worldwide: investigating the global phenomenon, Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
, 2012. Emotional Intelligence and Leadership–A Case for Quality Assurance Managers in Kenyan Universities. In Emotional Intelligence-New Perspectives and Applications. InTech.
, 2012. HIV/AIDS and its impact on education in sub-Saharan Africa: policy initiatives and challenges. In The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Education Worldwide. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, p. 1–26.
, 2012. HIV/AIDS and its Impact on Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Policy Initiatives and Challenges. International Perspectives on Education and Society, 18, p.1-26.
, 2012. The award of the PhD degree in Kenyan universities: A quality assurance perspective. Quality in Higher Education, 17, p.163-178.
, 2011. An Analysis of Emotional Intelligence and the Performance of Principals in Selected Schools in Kenya. Journal of Advances in Developing Human Resources, 11, p.719– 746.
, 2010. Education leadership in a globalized economy: A Kenyan perspective. Journal for education science and technology, 4, p.15-47.
, 2010. Education leadership in a globalized economy: A Kenyan perspective. International Journal of Science and Technology Education Research, 1, p.62–72.
, 2010. The Role of Social Entrepreneurship in HIV/AIDS Management across the Education Sector in Kenya. Journal of European Industrial Training- “HRD and Entrepreneurship in Africa, 3.
, 2010. The role of social entrepreneurship in HIV/AIDS management across the education sector in Kenya. Journal of European Industrial Training, 34, p.167–182.
, 2010.