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Prof. Samuel M. Obuchi is an Associate Professor of Semantics, Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis in the School of Arts & Social Sciences, Department of Kiswahili and other African Languages, Moi University. He holds a Bachelor of Education (Kiswahili, Philosophy & Religious Studies), Master of Arts (Kiswahili Studies) and Doctor of Philosophy (Linguistics) from the University of Nairobi. He has published widely in Semantics, Pragmatics and Discourse analysis in refereed journals. He has also published several book chapters. He has co-authored: Isimu Historia Linganishi (JKF, 2019), Taaluma ya Maana: Semantiki na Pragmatiki (JKF, 2016),  Muundo wa Kiswahili: Ngazi na Vipengele (JKF, 2015), Discourse in Interactional Contexts: A case of Kiswahili (Verlag-Germany, 2010), Interactional Strategies in a Multilingual Context: Illustrative Examples from the Discourse of Bargaining (Seiten-Germany, 2009).  He also serves in several Editorial Boards (Baraton International  Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2004 to 2012), Apex Journal, Portugal (2012 to date), and Mwanga wa Lugha (2016 to date). he has previously served as Head of Department of  Languages and Literature-Baraton University (2009 to 2011; Department of Social Sciences, University of Kabianga 2012-2013). between 2011 and 2016, he served as External Examiner Masinde Muliro University, 2011-2016; Chuka University, 2012-2015; and Rongo University, 2014-2015). His research interests lie in Semantics and Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis and Language use in real settings.