Classes Offered: 2018 EDF112: Character Education and Integrity EDF410: Sociology of Education EDF411: Comparative Education DSE105: Sociology of Education and Comparative Education EDF720:Sociology of Education and Comparative Education Read more about Classes
Bernardes, R., et al., 2020. Kenyan Community Response to Canadian International Teaching Practicum. In 2020 Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education.
Mwai, B.K. & Kimengi, I.N., 2014. PERCEPTIONS OF PARENTS ON THE USE OF CORPORAL PUNISHMENT IN PRE- PRIMARY INSTITUTIONS IN KENYA. International Journal of Education and Research, 2(10), p.663-680.
Mwai, B.K., Kimengi, I.N. & Kipsoi, E.J., 2014. Perceptions of Teachers on the Ban of Corporal Punishment in Pre-Primary Institutions in Kenya. World Journal of Education, 4, p.90–100.
Mwai, B.K., 2012. The perceptions of parents and teachers on the use of Corporal Punishment in Pre-Primary Institutions: A survey of Eldoret Municipality, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. Moi University.