Co- Investigator for RFP 2022 proposal on Sexual Violence Research Initiative Grant Program to be awarded in February 2022. Proposal Title: Livelihood Support and Gender Based Violence survivors in Western Kenya during COVID-19 Pandemic. An innovative and Multi-Sectoral Approach.
Research Chairs on Forced Displacements in the Middle East and East Africa. Proposal Title: Integrating Forced Displacements with Sustainable Development Goals through Research in East Africa: institutions, constraints, and Policy Opportunities.
Online transition of the Pandemic Preparedness with One Health (PPOH) short course for Year 2020 Heidelberg Institute of Global Health (HIGH) funded by DAAD.
Mapping of all OH strategic partners involved in disease prevention, detection and control. Funded by USAID through the University of California Davis, USA Nextgen Project (OHW-NG)
Co- Investigator Engendering the Eldoret National polytechnic. Awarded by the College and Institutes Canada, funded by the International Development Research Center (IDRC) under the research grant title ‘Supporting Innovation in the Technical and Vocational Educational Sector (SITVES): Towards Productivity and Competitiveness project’. Grant No. 108999-0001
Expert Working Group for development of East Africa Community (EAC) generic Curriculum on Pandemic Preparedness with One Health Approach. Funded by GIZ