
Mr. Eric D. K Ngetich a Lecturer of management with interest in research, sports, project planning & management and consultancy. He teaches and supervise students at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.  As indicated by the scholarly articles he has published in refereed publications, he is an ardent scholar and researcher.

Mr. Ngetich is currently in charge of Sports Management program at the department. Responsibilities include; Ensuring the highest levels of quality, integrity and ethics in teaching and research. These include increased student enrolment and new programmes. Prior to his current responsibility as in-charge of Sports Management Program, he served previously as the School of Business & Economics Examination and Time Tabling Coordinator for more than five years. He has been substantially involved in doping research globally. He won the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Research Funds of 2021 USD 20,000.  Mr. Ngetich has been serving the Nation in various capacities. Currently he is the Vice Chairman of Athletics Kenya-Universities (AK-Universities).