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Effect of technology robustness on rate of adoption by engineering firms in Kenya. African Peer Reviewed Journals. p-ISSN: 3214-54267. 2017.
Effective land-use strategies for the restoration of Maragoli Forest Vihiga County, Kenya. Journal of Scientific Research and Studies. 2017;4(11).
Effectiveness of Pastoral Programme Instruction in Management of Discipline in Primary Schools in Cheptiret zone, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. People Matter: A Journal of Applied Psychology. 2017;1:57-71.
Effects of biscuit-type feeding supplementation on the neurocognitive outcomes of HIV-affected school-age children: a randomized, double-blind, controlled intervention trial in Kenya. Family Medicine and Community Health. 2017;5:245–258.
Effects of tour guides training on their performance in Kenya. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management. 2017;5:233–250.
Electoral authoritarianism and Political dominance: Foundations of unconstitutional stability and constitutional instability in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: Constitutionalism in a plural world. Porto Faculty of Law, Universidade Católica Portuguesa; 2017. p. .
Elements of choice-making for outdoor event venues in Eldoret, Kenya. In: ; 2017. p. .
The Emerging Trends and Challenges Facing the Girl Child in Urban Domestic Service in Eldoret, Uasin-Gishu County. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research. 2017;6.
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Enhancing Doctoral Supervision Practices in Africa: Reflection on the CARTA Approach. Journal of Higher Education in Africa / Revue de l'enseignement supérieur en Afrique [Internet]. 2017;15:23–40. WebsiteAbstract
Essential and continuous spectrum of symmetric difference equations. Mathematische Nachrichten. 2017;290:2977–2991.
Establishment of Best Practices in Guidance and Counselling Services in Kenyan Secondary Schools. Journal of African Studies in Educational Management and Leadership (JASEML). 2017;Vol. 8.0:59-85.
Ethnicity, Democracy and Citizenship in Africa: Political Marginalization of Kenya's Nubians by Samantha Balaton-Chrimes Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2015. Pp. 188.{\pounds} 60 (hbk). The Journal of Modern African Studies. 2017;55:168–170.
Evaluation of synergy and bacterial regrowth in photocatalytic ozonation disinfection of municipal wastewater. Science of the Total Environment. 2017;601:626–635.
E-Waste Management at Egerton University Library, Njoro Campus, Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development. 2017;6(7).
Exposure Levels To Fine Particulate Matter And Carbon Monoxide From Solid Biomass Fuel Use In Rural Western Kenya. Researchjournali’s Journal of Public Health. 2017;3(6):1 - 16.
Extrinsic Motivational Factors Influencing Teachers’ Classroom Effectiveness: A Case Study of Kakamega County Kenya. International Journal of Education and Research . 2017;5(1).
Factors affecting adoption of public-private-partnership in county government of Uasin Gishu, Kenya. International Academic Journal of Procurement and Supply Chain Management. 2017;2:33–56.
Factors associated with the high prevalence of oesophageal cancer in Western Kenya: a review. Infectious agents and cancer. 2017;12:59.
Factors associated with the high prevalence of oesophageal cancer in Western Kenya: a review. Infectious agents and cancer. 2017;12:1–11.