Parental involvement in children’s home learning activities in early childhood education in Njoro Sub-County, Kenya. Journal of African Studies in Educational Leadership and Management (JASELM) [Internet]. 2018;10:20–35. Website
. Publications
[PDF] from Prenatal Cervical Cancer Screening Using Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid in a Low Resource Setting. Indian Journal of Gynecologic Oncology . 2018;16(4):64.
The perceptions of teacher trainers and trainees on the relevance of instructional resources for Creative Arts teacher education curriculum to learner’ needs in Kenya. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research [Internet]. 2018;6:57-73. Website
The Pilgrim Motif in Hebrews. Text and Context: Vernacular Approaches to the Bible in Global Christianity. 2018;1:130.
Play and its significance in early childhood education. Journal of African Studies in Educational Leadership and Management (JASELM) [Internet]. 2018;10:67–84. Website
PO296 Stroke Mortality In Kenya’s Public Tertiary Hospitals: A Prospective Facility-Based Study. Global Heart. 2018;13:443–444.
Poems in Kenyan Sign Language: TRIBE ONE and other poems. ( ). Nairobi: Dylan & Charlie Publishers; 2018 p. .
Policy Implementation and Determinant of Access to Education for Disable Learners in Siaya and Kisumu Counties-Kenya: A Phenomenological Study. Journal of Public Administration and Governance. 2018;8:174–226.
Post-traumatic stress disorder, major depressive disorder and generalised anxiety disorder, among university students following a terrorist attack in Kenya. East African Medical Journal. 2018;95:1767–1775.
Predictors of post-partum family planning uptake in Webuye Hospital, western Kenya. African journal of primary health care & family medicine. 2018;10:1–6.
Prevalence and Factors Associated with Under Nutrition Among Newly Enrolled HIV Infected Adults Attending Ampath Ambulatory Clinic in Eldoret, Kenya. Science Journal of Public Health. 2018;6:26.
Prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding among mothers of infants under six month of age attending Wajir referral hospital in Wajir County. International Academic Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing. 2018;1:1–10.
The prevalence of pollen food syndrome in adults with irritable bowel syndrome. In: CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ALLERGY. Vol. 48. WILEY 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA; 2018. p. 1537–1538.
Prospective Impact of the Proposed Monetary Union in East African Community: Gravity Model Approach. Gravity Model Approach IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF). 2018;9(5):72-84.
Publications list. 2018.
Rapping with a Forked Tongue, Code-switching and the Tribalized Kenya of the end of the Twentieth Century in ‘Otongolo Tyme’ by Poxi Presha. Eastern African Literary and Cultural Studies [Internet]. 2018;4:85-104. WebsiteAbstract
Relationship between Board Characteristics and Firm Financial Diversification (Geographic Sales) Among Listed Firms on Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya: Static Panel Approach. American Journal of Finance. 2018;2(7):19- 42.
Relationship between flooding and out break of infectious diseasesin Kenya: a review of the literature. Journal of environmental and public health. 2018;2018.