(2012). Publications
Cryptosporidiosis and its genotypes among children attending Moi teaching and referral hospital in Eldoret, Kenya. East African medical journal, 89, 11–19. Kenya Medical Association.
(2012). Cultural influences on aspirations for higher education: Influence of Nandi circumcision on higher education. Deutschland: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG.
(2012). Curriculum Development for Early Childhood Teacher Education in Kenya (p. 112). Berlin: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
(2012). Determinants of Consumer Purchase Decisions in Zero Rated Hotels in Eldoret Town, Kenya. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3. Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA.
(2012). Determinants of economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: A panel data approach. International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences.
(2012). Determinants of net interest margins of commercial banks in Kenya: a panel study. Procedia Economics and Finance, 2, 199-208.
(2012). Determinants of Net Interest Margins of Commercial Banks in Kenya: A Panel Study. Procedia Economics and Finance, 2, 199 - 208. Website Abstract
(2012). Development of a Medical Expert System as an ExpertKnowledge Sharing Tool on Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypertension in Pregnancy. International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics, 2, 297. IACSIT Press.
(2012). Development of a Medical Expert System as an ExpertKnowledge Sharing Tool on Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypertension in Pregnancy. International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics, 2(5), 297.
(2012). Diagnosis of Human Brucellosis in Nandi District, Kenya by use of serum agglutination test, Kenya by use of serum agglutination test. Kenya journal of health sciences.
Does anti-malarial drug knowledge predict anti-malarial dispensing practice in drug outlets? A survey of medicine retailers in western Kenya. Malaria Journal, 11, 1–9. Springer.
(2012). Dyeing of cellulose-based fabrics using dyes extracted from plants.. East African Journal of Pure and Applied Science, 1, 17—31.
(2012). Economic values for disease resistance traits in dairy goat production systems in Kenya. Small ruminant research, 102, 135–141. Elsevier.
(2012). Economic values for disease resistance traits in dairy goat production systems in Kenya. Small Ruminant Research, 102, 135 - 141. Website Abstract
(2012). Economic values for disease resistance traits in dairy goat production systems in Kenya. Small Ruminant Research, 102, 135 - 141. Website Abstract
(2012). Education for development: Myth or reality? The Kenyan experience. International journal of learning and development, 2(3).
(2012). Education for development: Myth or reality? The Kenyan experience. International journal of learning and development, 2, 144–163. Macrothink Institute.
. (2012). Effect of water glass treatment on the mechanical and thermooxidative properties of kenaf and sisal fibres. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 31, 1261–1269. SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England.
(2012). Effects of Branding on Restaurants’ Image; A Case of Selected Restaurants in Nairobi, Kenya.. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences. , 1(8), 56-66.
(2012). The Effects of Business Image on Customer Retention in Hotels in Eldoret, Kenya. European Journal of Business and Management., 4(18), 2222-2839.
(2012). Effects of distributive justice complaints resolution strategies on customer satisfaction in Kenya’s banking industry. European Journal of Business and social sciences, 1, 87–96. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences.