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Pediatric non-Wilms’ renal tumors: a third world experience. World journal of surgery, 36, 565–572. Springer-Verlag.
(2012). Pediatric Non-Wilms' Renal Tumors: A Third World Experience. World Journal of Surgery, 36, 565–572. presented at the Mar. Website Abstract
(2012). Performance analysis of a PV/T air system based on heat transfer perspective. Int. J. of Scientific & Engineering Research, 3, 704–710.
(2012). Persons with Disabilities Act (2003): Implications on Social Interaction and Learning of Students with Disabilities in Universities in Kenya. Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
(2012). A Philosophical Analysis of the Power of Language and its Role in National Cohesion: Stereotype of" Bunyon" among the Kalenjins. Moi University Eldoret, Kenya.
(2012). The politicization of Muslim organizations and the future of Islamic-oriented politics in Kenya. Islamic Africa, 3, 25–53. Brill.
(2012). Product diversification for sustainable tourism development: Exploring the strengths and challenges of Kisumu region, Kenya. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 1, 108–117.
(2012). Promoting farmer-led seed enterprises of African indigenous vegetables to boost household incomes and nutrition in Kenya and Tanzania. In Conference on Agricultural Biodiversity in Africa (p. 1–13).
(2012). Protection and promotion of the rights of children working and/or living on the street. (2012). Protection and promotion of the rights of children working and/or living on the street. Geneva, Switzerland: United Nations Children's Fund Consortium for Street Children.
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(2012). Public Health Action. Citeseer.
(2012). A qualitative study using traditional community assemblies to investigate community perspectives on informed consent and research participation in western Kenya. BMC Medical Ethics, 13, 23. presented at the Sep. Website Abstract
(2012). A qualitative study using traditional community assemblies to investigate community perspectives on informed consent and research participation in western Kenya. BMC medical ethics, 13, 1–11. BioMed Central.
(2012). A qualitative study using traditional community assemblies to investigate community perspectives on informed consent and research participation in western Kenya. BMC medical ethics, 13, 23. BioMed Central.
(2012). Quality of life and people with Albinism in Tanzania: More than only a loss of pigment. Scientific Reports, 1, 1–3.
(2012). Ranulas: possible signs for HIV/AIDS? 1 year Ugandan descriptive study. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 70, 149–153. Taylor & Francis.
Recycling and Fibre Reinforcement of Thermoplastic Wastes to Produce Composites for Construction Works. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 4.