A Literature Workbook on Mariam Ba’s novel ‘Scarlet Song’. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing: Berlin.
(2012). Publications
Little Birds ECDE Teacher Education Certificate Course. General Knowledge. Nairobi: Longhorn Publishers.
(2012). Long-term impact of the Kenya postelection crisis on clinic attendance and medication adherence for HIV-infected children in western Kenya. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 59, 199–206. LWW.
(2012). Magic Realism and African Realities in Said Ahmed Mohamed’s Babu Alipofufuka. In International conference at the University of Bayreuth, on Dunia Yao: Utopia/Dystopia: Imagining Society in Swahili Fiction. presented at the May 17-19, Germany.
(2012). Management and outcome of patients with Wilms’ tumour (nephroblastoma) at the Moi Teaching and referral hospital, Eldoret, Kenya. East African Medical Journal, 89, 121–127.
(2012). Management and outcome of patients with Wilms’ tumour (nephroblastoma) at the Moi Teaching and referral hospital, Eldoret, Kenya. East African medical journal, 89, 121–127.
(2012). Management and outcome of patients with Wilms’ tumour (nephroblastoma) at the Moi Teaching and referral hospital, Eldoret, Kenya. East African medical journal, 89, 121–127. Kenya Medical Association.
(2012). Mapping and auditing agricultural indigenous knowledge in Kenya: a case study of the Uasin Gishu and Keiyo districts. Innovation: journal of appropriate librarianship and information work in Southern Africa, 2012, 81–100. University of KwaZulu-Natal.
(2012). Market orientation and firm performance in the manufacturing sector in Kenya. European Journal of Business and Management, 4, 20–27.
(2012). Mathematical Terms Usage and Academic Achievement: A Focus on Primary Schools in Eldoret Municipality, Kenya. Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.
(2012). Menstruation and Education: How a Lack of Sanitary Towels Reduces School Attendance in Kenya Slums”Buwa! . A Journal of African Women Experiences.
Modelling the influence of cotton fibre properties on ring spun yarn strength using Monte Carlo techniques. Res. Rev. Polym., 3, 84–88.
(2012). Multitemporal comparative analysis of TRMM-3B42 satellite-estimated rainfall with surface gauge data at basin scales: daily, decadal and monthly evaluations. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33, 7662–7684. Taylor & Francis.
(2012). Multivariate approach to on-line prediction of in-mill slurry density and ball load volume based on direct ball and slurry sensor data. Minerals Engineering, 26, 13–23. Elsevier.
(2012). Music movement and drama in early childhood education: An assessment of the Moi university case. International Journal of current research, 4(3), 229-233.
(2012). Negotiating Dualisms in Intercnltural Feminist Collaboration.. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion (Indiana University Press), 28.
(2012). Network Dynamics Dimension Factors in Event Management in Kenya. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 1, 1–11.
(2012). Network Dynamics Dimension Factors in Event management in Kenya.. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences., 1(8), 1-11.
(2012). Network structure dimension factors in event management in Kenya. Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences, 3, 454–460. Sabinet.
(2012). Not as Expected. Performance and Understanding Mathematical Concepts: A Comperative study of Grades 1-3 Blind and Sighted Learners (p. 136). Saabrucken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
(2012). Nutrient intake among pregnant teenage girls attending ante-natal clinics in two health facilities in Bungoma south district, Western Kenya. East African medical journal, 89, 94–99. Kenya Medical Association.
(2012). Objective Measurement of Physical Activity and Indices of Adiposity in Kenyan Children.. Kenya J Health Sci. .
. (2012).