Analysis of Vertical Price Transmission along Sugar Supply Chain in Kenya. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF), 9(1), p.44-51. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF)
, 2018. Publications
Determinants of Sorghum Producing Households’ Expenditure and Implications for Food Security in Western Kenya and Eastern Uganda. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development.
, 2018. Determinants of Sorghum Producing Households’ Expenditure and implications for food security in Eastern Kenya. In African Farm Management Association Congress. 4th-9th November. Abuja, Nigeria.
, 2018. Farmer Managerial Sovereignty: An International Issue Glimpsed in Kenya & United Kingdom. In International Farm Management Association Congress. 3-8 March 2019. Tasmania, Australia. The 22th International Farm Management Association Congress
, 2018. Relationship between Board Characteristics and Firm Financial Diversification (Geographic Sales) Among Listed Firms on Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya: Static Panel Approach. American Journal of Finance, 2(7), p.19- 42.
, 2018. Cost as a determinant of technology adoption among small engineering firms in Kisumu city, Kenya. Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering and Technology, 3(2), p.94-101. Website
, 2017. Determinants of technical inefficiency of saccos in kenya: loan output slack analysis. American Journal of Finance, 2(1), p.1 - 23.
, 2017. Effect of technology robustness on rate of adoption by engineering firms in Kenya. African Peer Reviewed Journals. p-ISSN: 3214-54267.
, 2017. Perceived determinants and technology adoption among small engineering firms in Kisumu city, Kenya. African Peer Reviewed Journals, 1(2).
, 2017. Determinants of Sorghum Producing Households’ Expenditure and implications for food security in Western Kenya and Uganda. In The Sorghum in the 21st Century Congress at the Century City Conference Centre. 9-12 April 2018. Cape Town, South Africa.
, 2016.