
Dr. Fredrick Okoth Okaka is a lecturer in the Department of Geography at Moi University. Prior to joining Moi University, he worked as a lecturer in the Department of Social Sciences at the University College of Education, Zanzibar. He is currently the coordinator of post-graduate studies as well as the seminar co-ordinator in the Department of Geography. His doctoral thesis focused on climate change and urban population health.  He also undertook a post-doctoral research at the University of Venda, South Africa that focused on health vulnerability to flood risk of household living in informal settlements in urban areas. He has published widely in the area of  climate change and population health.  He is a beneficiary of the Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA) PhD Fellowship and an Associate member of the International Graduate School (IGS) North-South. He teaches and mentors undergraduate and graduate students. His major field of specialization is Settlement and Population Geography. His research interests include: Climate change and human health, Population studies, Urban Housing with emphasis on Gender Dynamics and Geography Education.