. Publications
Seasonality effects on Trends of Domestic and International Tourism: A case of Nairobi National Park, Kenya.‘. Journal of Natural Sciences Research. 2013;3:131–139.
Secondary Breakthrough. History and Government Form 4. Nairobi: Moran Publishers; 2013.
Sexual reproductive health service provision to young people in Kenya; health service providers' experiences. BMC Health Serv Res [Internet]. 2013;13. Website
Shoe Shine Entrepreneurs Social Responsibility Practices on Loyalty in Eldoret Town, Kenya. International Journal of Business and Management. 2013;8:49.
Social acceptability and perceived impact of a community-led cash transfer programme in Zimbabwe. BMC Public Health [Internet]. 2013;13. Website
Socio-economic link between poverty, environment and tourism around protected areas: A case study of communities adjacent to Ruma National Park, Kenya. African Journal of Tourism and Hospitality. 2013;1:1-13.
Spectral theory of higher order difference operators. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications. 2013;19:1983–2028.
Strategic Speech Acts in the Discourse of Bargaining. Baraton Interdisciplinary Research Journal. 2013.
Street children's vulnerability to HIV and sexually transmitted infections in Malawian cities. Malawi Med J. 2013;20.
Street children's vulnerability to HIV and sexually transmitted infections in Malawian cities. Malawi Med J. 2013;25.
{Substance use among inmates at the Eldoret prison in Western Kenya}. BMC Psychiatry. 2013;13.Abstract
A systematic review of the application and utility of geographical information systems for exploring disease-disease relationships in paediatric global health research: the case of anaemia and malaria. International journal of health geographics. 2013;12:1.
Taking Stock of the Ethical Foundations of International Health Research: Pragmatic Lessons from the IU–Moi Academic Research Ethics Partnership. Journal of General Internal Medicine [Internet]. 2013;28:639–645. WebsiteAbstract
The teaching of oral communication skills in the English curriculum in primary schools in Kenya. European Scientific Journal. 2013;9:167-177.
Think this Way: How Zimbabweans Adopt, Hold and Express their Political Ideologies. Oxford Human Rights Hub. 2013.
Tourism Development in Developing Countries. A Case Study of Mombasa Resort in Kenya. In: In Akama, J. S. eds. TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN KENYA: Critical issues, challenges and alternatives in the new millennium. Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers Ltd. ; 2013. p. 223-232.
Tourist Expenditures and its Implication on Tourism Enterprises. A Focus on the Kenyan Coast. Eldoret: Utafiti Foundation; 2013.
University medical students’ attitude towards sports participation: The place of sports in counselling. Saarbrucken, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. 2013.
Use of Textual Materials and Teaching Learning Activities by Teachers of English in Eldoret Municipality, Kenya. Education Research Journal. 2013;4(8).