Embracing pro-poor strategies in community tourism enterprises: The case of Il-Ngwesi Community Group Ranch, Kenya. The Journal of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2012:1.
. Publications
Emotional Intelligence and Leadership–A Case for Quality Assurance Managers in Kenyan Universities. In: Emotional Intelligence-New Perspectives and Applications. InTech; 2012.
Empowering rural women in Kenya to alleviate poverty through provision of information: the case of Vihiga District in Western Province. In: Information for Sustainable Development in a Digital Environment Conference. Kenya Library Association Nairobi; 2012. p. 31–37.
Environmental impacts of tourism in protected areas. Journal of Environment and Earth Science. 2012;2:64–73.
Evaluation of alternative selection objectives and schemes for optimization of village goat improvement programs. Livestock Research for Rural Development. 2012;24.
Evaluation of Counseling Programmes: A Focus on Public Universities in Kenya. Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing. 2012.
Extent of Adoption of Quality Management Systems in the Hospitality and Catering Industry: A Study of Selected Establishments in Nairobi. Implementations The Qms In Airline Industry. 2012.
Factors contributing to drug abuse among the youth in Kenya: A Case of Bamburi Location. Elixir International Journal. 2012;46:8259–8267.
Factors influencing domestic tourism for urban and semiurban populations around Nairobi National Park, Kenya. Tourism analysis. 2012;17:79–89.
Factors influencing self initiated staff training among middle level staff in Moi university - Kenya. International Journal of Current Research. 2012;4(2):299-303.
Factors that affect the Outcome of Outside Catering in Kenya. Food Science and Quality Management. 2012;9:8–16.
Factors that influence career choice of hospitality students in Moi University, Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice. 2012;3:83–90.
Genetic Improvement of Livestock for Milk Production. In: Milk Production. Rijeka: IntechOpen; 2012. Website
Genetic improvement of livestock for milk production. In: Milk Production-Advanced Genetic Traits, Cellular Mechanism, Animal Management and Health. InTech; 2012.
Glimpsing Africa A new: Possibilities in Literary Discourses. In: International Workshop at the University of Cape Town on Thinking Africa + Diaspora Differently: Theories, Practices, Imaginaries. South Africa; 2012. p. .