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(2018). Cancer epidemiology fieldwork in a resource-limited setting: experience from the western Kenya ESCCAPE esophageal cancer case-control pilot study. Cancer epidemiology, 57, 45–52. Elsevier.
(2018). Capacity building in sub-Saharan Africa: models of care. The Lancet, (
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(2018). Causes of death among street-connected children and youth in Eldoret, Kenya. BMC international health and human rights, 18(1), 19.
(2018). Challenges of Integrating Public Participation in the Devolved System of Governance For Sustainable Development in Kenya. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, VI.
(2018). Challenges of integrating public participation in the devolved system of governance for sustainable development in Kenya. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 6, 476–491.
(2018). Challenges of Resource Mobilization among the Turkana Pastoralists Community of Kenya. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IOSR-JHSS), 23(10), 60-73.
(2018). Changamoto za Mikakati ya Upole katika Mazungumzo ya Vipindi vya Sobetab Kapchi katika Idhaa ya KASS FM. Mara Research Journal of Kiswahili - ISSN 2520-0577, 3, 47–57. Website Abstract
(2018). Characteristics of febrile Children in a Malaria/HIV co-endemic region of Western Kenya. East African Medical Journal, 95.
(2018). Characteristics of newborns with surgical conditions, referred to and seen at a tertiary-level hospital in western Kenya. East African Medical Journal, 95, 1974–1984.
(2018). Characteristics of patients with thromboembolic disorders on warfarin therapy in resource limited settings. BMC health services research, 18, 723. BioMed Central.
(2018). Characteristics of patients with thromboembolic disorders on warfarin therapy in resource limited settings. BMC health services research, 18, 1–10. Springer.
(2018). Charismatic Leadership, Achievement Motivation and Job Satisfaction: A Test of Moderation. In , Defining the Frontiers of Global Business Research across emerging Countries (p. 451-468). Chennai: Mc-Graw Hill Education.
(2018). "Childbirth is not a Sickness; A Woman Should Struggle to Give Birth": Exploring Continuing Popularity of Home Births in Western Kenya, 22, 85 - 93. presented at the 2018/03/01. Abstract
(2018). Civil society engagement with land rights advocacy in Kenya: what roles to play? Literature review. Nijmegen; Leiden; Eldoret, Kenya: Radboud University; African Studies Centre ….
(2018). Classification using Ensemble Learning under Weighted Misclassification Loss. arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.06507.
(2018). Climate Change and the Health of Elderly People Living in Slum Areas in Sub-Saharan Africa. In the 1st Pan African International Research Congress. presented at the 18-22 June, Kisumu, Kenya.
(2018). Clinicopathologic features and early surgical outcome of astrocytomas in Eldoret, Kenya. Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice, 9, 363–369. Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Private Ltd.
(2018). Clinicopathologic features and early surgical outcome of astrocytomas in Eldoret, Kenya. Journal of neurosciences in rural practice, 9, 363. Wolters Kluwer–Medknow Publications.
(2018). Competitiveness and Determinants of Livestock and Livestock products Exports from Kenya (1980-2013). IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF), 9(1), 53-58. Competitiveness and Determinants of Livestock and Livestock products Exports from Kenya (1980-2013)
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