Citation:Ogoma, S.O., 2019. Parenting Styles and Learned Helplessness in Mathematics: Do Gender and Region Matter?.Export Google Scholar
Moriasi, J., Ogoma, S. & Disiye, M., 2021. Relationship between Career Trips and Students’ Career Choice Development in High Schools in Ainamoi Sub County. Journal of Psychology, 6(3), p.330-339.
Sigot, E.C. & Ogoma, S.O., 2021. Sports-based attitudes and sports participation among the deaf primary school pupils in Emgwen sub-county, Nandi county, Kenya. European Journal of Education and Pedagogy, 2(2), p.1-6.
Chewen, B.J., Ogoma, S. & Munyua, J., 2020. Effects of school climate on indiscipline: Indiscipline among secondary school students and its causes, Deutschland: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG.
Agulanna, M.N., Munyua, J.K. & Ogoma, S.O., 2020. Influence of personality-environment fit on teachers’ job satisfaction in primary schools in Kesses sub-county, Kenya. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), 8(9), p.617-927.
Ogoma, S.O., 2020. Problem-focused Coping Controls Burnout in Medical Students: The Case of a Selected Medical School in Kenya. Journal of Psychology, 8, p.69–79.
Chewen, J., Munyua, J. & Ogoma, S., 2020. Effects of schools’ physical infrastructure on student discipline in secondary schools in Eldoret East Sub-county, Kenya. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(6), p.308-314.