Colour and nutrient removal from textile waste water using an enhanced fluidised bed bioreactor. The African Journal of Technology. 2011;1:65–79.
. Publications
Community opinions on wildlife, resource use and livelihood competition in Kimana Group Ranch near Amboseli, Kenya. The Open Conservation Biology Journal. 2011;5.
Concurrent sexual partnerships and human immunodeficiency virus risk among South African youth. Sex Transm Dis. 2011;38.
Congenital sublingual cyst: a case report. East and Central African Journal of Surgery. 2011;16:157–161.
Cultural identity and new communication technologies: political, ethnic and ideological implications. In: IGI Global; Hershey, Pennyslavania, USA; 2011.
Customers general acceptability of traditional foods served at an African cuisine luncheon in the Guest House at Moi University, Chepkoilel Campus. African Journal of Business and Economics. . 2011;(1):116-126.
Definition of breeding objectives and optimum crossbreeding levels for goats in the smallholder production systems. Small Ruminant Research. 2011;96:16–24.
Definition of breeding objectives and optimum crossbreeding levels for goats in the smallholder production systems. Small Ruminant Research [Internet]. 2011;96:16 - 24. WebsiteAbstract
Definition of breeding objectives and optimum crossbreeding levels for goats in the smallholder production systems. Small Ruminant Research [Internet]. 2011;96:16 - 24. WebsiteAbstract
Design of a Crop Residue Burner for Cereal Drying. Journal of Chemical Technology. 2011;6.
Diaspora Subjectivities and the (Dis)avowal of the Nation in African Literature. In: Border- Crossings: Narrative and Demarcation in Postcolonial Literatures. Berlin: Triere Verlag; 2011. p. .
Diasporic memories and national histories in East African Asian writing. REsEaRch in afRican litERatuREs. 2011;42:56–67.
Diet of worms: Quality of catering in Kenyan prisons. Nairobi: Zapf Chancery Research Consultants and Publishers; 2011 p. .
Economic analysis of soil fertility restoration options in potato bean of gardening intercropping in south rift, Kenya. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics. 2011;3:487–491.
Effect of Complaints Resolution Strategies on Customer Satisfaction in Banks, Eldoret, Kenya. Moi University. 2011.
The effect of providing skilled. birth attendance and emergency obstetriccare in preventing stillbirths. BMC Public Health [Internet]. 2011;11. Website
Effectiveness of incinerators in the management of medical wastes in hospitals within Eldoret municipality. East African journal of public health. 2011;8:196–198.
Effects of a conditional cash transfer programme on child nutrition in Brazil. Bull World Health Org [Internet]. 2011;89. Website
Effects of Employee Motivation on Organisational Performance (Case study of KEBS). In: Annual International Conference, Moi University. Eldoret, Kenya; 2011. p. .
Effects of team building on the performance of employees in organizations towards the realization of millennium development goals: a survey of selected banks in Eldoret Town. International Journal of Current Research. 2011;3(11):49-54.
Epidemiology and Molecular Characterization of Cryptosporidium Species among Children and HIV Infected Individuals in the North Rift Region of Kenya. Abstracts of postgraduate thesis. 2011.
Evidence on the Adoption of E-Tourism Technologies in Nairobi. Global Journal of Business Research. 2011;5:55–66.
Extension and Outreach Activities at Moi University, Division of Research and Extension. ISBN 978-9966-1559-0-0. AICAD Reports. 2011; 1:33-43.