Ethics and participation: Reflections on research with street children. Ethics, Place Environ [Internet]. 2001;4. Website
. Publications
Formation of ultrafine scale structures in aluminium containing small amounts of particles by conventional rolling deformation. Journal of materials science. 2001;36:4711–4717.
Health problems of street children in Eldoret Kenya. East Afr Med J [Internet]. 2001;78. Website
Kiswahili: A Tool for Development: the Multidisciplinary Approach. Moi University Press; 2001.
Meaning in benga music of western Kenya. British Journal of Ethnomusicology. 2001;10:107.
The Missing Links (A Novel – 309 Pages). East African Educational Publishers. 2001.
The novel and the politics of nation building in East Africa. Bayreuth African Studies; 2001.
Politics And Gender In Kiswahili Drama: The Case Of Mazrui's Kilio Cha Haki And Wamitila's Wingu La Kupita. In: African Language Literatures in Political Contexts, Bayreuth:Bayreuth African Studies Series. ; 2001. p. 103–118.
Relative importance of conservation areas in Kenya based on diverse tourist attractions. Journal of Tourism Studies. 2001;12:39.
The role of telecentres in the provision of agricultural information for rural development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Quarterly bulletin of the International Association of Agricultural information specialists. 2001;46:81–86.
Using Evaluation in Training and Development. Journal of Management Development. 2001.
When anthelmintics do not work. The Kenya Veterinarian. 2001;(21):29-31.
“Disillusionment”. Poem published in Echoes Across the Valley. 2000.
How to Find Meaning in Poetry. Eldoret: Western Educational Publishers; 2000 p. 84pp.
Nation-Building and Literary Imagination in East Africa: A Brief Survey. In: Afrika im Wandel. Tagungsband des DFG Graduiertenkollegs . Berlin: VWF: Verlag für Wissenschaft und Forschung; 2000. p. 133 - 139.
Rectal dihydroartemisinin versus intravenous quinine in the treatment of severe malaria: a randomised clinical trial. (East African Medical journal. 2000;77:273–8.
The role of the Christian church in socio-economic and political development in Kenya. Journal of Third World Studies. 2000;17:165–176.