Research Interests

Behavioral ecology of arthropod pest-host interactions; biocontrol; Integrated Pest/Vector management; pesticides compatibility in food production systems; Preharvest and Postharvest food losses and food wastage; Bioprospecting microorganisms for industrial application. Main research Projects:

  • Moi University Africa Center of Excellence II in Phytochemicals, Textile & Renewable Energy (ACEII-PTRE) funded by The World Bank Group
  • Development of a new multidisciplinary MSc in Sustainable energy and Development Programme funded by Transforming Energy Access-Learning Partnership (TEA-LP). Collaborators: Kibabii University
  • Kenya Climate-Smart Adaptive Technologies for Sustainable Production and Postharvest Management and Utilization of Ware Potato in Kenya funded by Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP). Collaborators: Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization, University of Nairobi and University of Eldoret.