Prof Winstone Nyandiko M is a Professor of Child Health and Pediatrics since 2021 having joined Moi University as a tutorial fellow in 1996 and grown through the ranks. He became a Lecturer in 2002 and was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2007, Associate Professor in 2012 and Professor in 2021. As a Professor he is tasked with Knowledge and Skills Transfer, Research and Community Service. He has been involved in the training and skills transfer of upcoming Pediatricians, Physicians, Medical Doctors, Nurses, Nurse-administrators, Public Health Specialists based on evidence based science and medicine. He has mentored, supervised and examined tens of graduate students doing their masters programs in pediatrics, medicine, immunology and public health. He has been the Head of Department for Child Health and Pediatrics, SOM, between 2012 and 2015; the Chairman of Clinical Division in the School of Medicine between 2014-2017; the Chairman of Credit Transfer committee between 2014 and now; the Chairman of the School of Medicine Research Committee between 2015 and now; Chairman of the College of Health Sciences Quality Assurance Committee between 2015 and now; Pediatrician in charge of the New Born Unit of MTRH between 2003-2015; a member of the School of Medicine Graduate Committee since 2012; Coordinator Postgraduate Examinations Department of Child Health and Pediatrics since 2012 and the School of Medicine Representative to Moi University HIV/AIDS Control Unit (MUHACU) between 2012 and now. He has been voted the best lecturer in Pediatrics by students in 2012. He has been the external examiner for the post-graduate MMED program in Pediatrics and Child Health at the University of Nairobi between 2013 and 2017 and for the undergraduate MBChB program at UZIMA university since 2018. As a researcher, he has attracted funding worth millions of USD, conducted research in Child Health and Pediatrics as itemized in the section of contribution to science and publications and has contributed to both infrastructural and human resource development at the College of Health Sciences. Some of the research has led to policy changing output. He is also the Executive Director for Research in the Academic Model for the Provision of Healthcare (AMPATH) partnership since 2017 and the immediate former Deputy Chief of Party (DCOP) in charge of Retention, Research and Training. Prior to that, between 2004 and 2012 he was the Assistant Program Manager in charge of Pediatrics, Research and Data Management in the same partnership. In these positions, he has been involved in coordinating researchers from the AMPATH partnership, development of Kenyan National guidelines and curricula on HIV care, treatment and prevention and the development and maintenance of the AMPATH Data record system that has been adopted for use worldwide as the open-AMRS . More fundamentally, he has been involved in the provision of knowledge and skills transfer on HIV care and treatment in the region being one of the pioneer Pediatric HIV specialists in the country. He has consequently contributed to treatment of thousands of children and avoidance of mortalities and morbidities in this population. He has been the Principal Investigators Representative at the AMPATH board between 2013 and now; a reviewer for the Institutional Research and Ethics Review Committee since 2005; a member of NASCOP Technical Working Group on Pediatric HIV between 2004 and now. In addition, he has been the Vice-Chairman of the Kenya Pediatric Association North Rift branch between 2014 and now. As a young professional medical doctor, he did his internship at Moi Teaching Referral Hospital (then Eldoret District Hospital) in 1994, worked as a medical officer in Lodwar District hospital, Eldoret Memorial Hospital, Pacifica Hospital, Maseno Mission Hospital and Ortum Mission Hospital before joining Moi University as a tutorial fellow in 1996. During his training as a Pediatric Resident at University of Nairobi, he was the Chief Resident between 1999 and 2000. |
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