Citation:Ndzovu, H.J., 2010. Muslim relations in the politics of nationalism and secession in Kenya.Export Google Scholar
Ndzovu, H.J., 2021. Kenya Christian Queer A. Obinyan & A. van Klinken. Africa Studies Review, 64(1), p.E35-E36.
Ndzovu, H.J., 2021. Is Islam the Problem or the Victim of Violence? Selective Interpretation of Scared Text and the Threat to Living Together in Africa. In J. Tarusarira & E. L. Chitando Themes in Religion and Human Security in Africa. London: Routledge, p. 152-165.
Ndzovu, H.J., 2021. The Rise of Jihad, Killing of ‘Apostate Imams’ and Non-Combatant Christian Civilians in Kenya: Al-Shabaab’s Re-definition of the Enemy on Religious Lines. In A. Afe, A. Olufunke, & C. L. Williams Fighting in God’s Name. London: Lexington Books, p. 305- 325 .
Ndzovu, H.J., 2020. Sacralization of the Humanitarian Space: Faith Based Organizations, Mission-Aid and Development in Africa. In E. Chitando, M. R. Gunda, & L. B. Togarasei Religion and Development in Africa: BiAS 25, ERA 4.