Tourist satisfaction in relation to attractions and implications for conservation in the protected areas of the Northern Circuit, Tanzania. Journal of sustainable tourism, 17, p.605–625.
, 2009. Publications
The relative importance of large mammal species for tourism in Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Tourism Management, 29, p.751–760.
, 2008. The right to freedom of movement for refugees in Uganda. Refugee Rights: Ethics, Advocacy, and Africa, p.77–90.
, 2008. Tourism attractions and satisfaction of Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Tourism Analysis, 13, p.373–386.
, 2008. The Chyulu Hills: Raison d’Etre and consequences of contested proprietorship of an idyllic resource oasis. Culture and Community: Tourism studies in Eastern and Southern Africa. Rozenberg Publishers, Amsterdam, p.123–137.
, 2007. Confronting the reality of gender-based violence in Northern Uganda. The International Journal of Transitional Justice, 1, p.433–443.
, 2007. The false polarisation of peace and justice in Uganda. Presentation at Building a Future on Peace and Justice, Nuremberg, Germany.
, 2007.
, 2007.
To be or not to be: Urban refugees in Kampala. Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees, p.46–56.
, 2007. Correlates of wildlife snaring patterns in tsavo west national park, kenya. Biological conservation, 132, p.500–509.
, 2006. Elephant numbers and distribution in the Tsavo-Amboseli ecosystem, south-western Kenya. Pachyderm, 40, p.61–68.
, 2006. Principles for the establishment of community wildlife sanctuaries for ecotourism: Lessons from Maasai Group Ranches, Kenya. African Journal of Business and Economics, 1, p.90–109.
, 2006. An assessment of the large mammal component of the proposed wildlife sanctuary site in Maasai Kuku Group Ranch near Amboseli, Kenya. South African Journal of Wildlife Research-24-month delayed open access, 35, p.63–76.
, 2005. Land use changes and human–wildlife conflicts in the Amboseli Area, Kenya. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 10, p.19–28.
, 2005. A survey of tourist expectations and economic potential for a proposed wildlife sanctuary in a Maasai group ranch near Amboseli, Kenya. Journal of sustainable tourism, 13, p.566–589.
, 2005. " There are No Refugees in this Area": Self-settled Refugees in Koboko, Refugee Law Project.
, 2005. Tourism potential and achievement of protected areas in Kenya: criteria and prioritization. Tourism Analysis, 10, p.151–164.
, 2005. Use and availability of tree and shrub resources on Maasai communal rangelands near Amboseli, Kenya. African Journal of Range and Forage Science, 22, p.37–45.
, 2005. Threats to biodiversity and their implications in protected and adjacent dispersal areas of Kenya. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 12, p.55–69.
, 2004. Application of the protected landscape model in southern Kenya. Parks, 13, p.12–21.
, 2003. Maasai commu nity wild life sanc tu aries in Tsavo-Amboseli, Kenya. Parks, 13, p.62–75.
, 2003. Relative importance of conservation areas in Kenya based on diverse tourist attractions. Journal of Tourism Studies, 12, p.39.
, 2001.