Sustainability of first-line antiretroviral regimens: findings from a large HIV treatment program in western Kenya. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 53, 254–259. LWW.
(2010). Publications
Systematic cultural adaptation of cognitive-behavioral therapy to reduce alcohol use among HIV-infected outpatients in western Kenya. AIDS and Behavior, 14, 669–678. Springer US.
(2010). Systematic cultural adaptation of cognitive-behavioral therapy to reduce alcohol use among HIV-infected outpatients in western Kenya. AIDS and Behavior, 14, 669–678. Springer.
(2010). Teacher Competencies in Teaching oral communication skills in English: An investigation in upper Primary classes in Nandi North District, Kenya (p. 227). Berlin: VDM Publishing House.
(2010). Teaching Cervical Cancer Surgery in Low- or Middle-Resource Countries.. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 20(9), 1604-1608.
(2010). Temporal lead contamination and health risks of geophagia in Eldoret Municipality, Kenya. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 4.
(2010). Tourism As A Tool For Sustainable Community Development In Zimbabwe- The Case Of The South-East Lowveld. In Global sustainable tourism 2010. presented at the 15-20thNovember, Nelspruit, South Africa.
(2010). Towards Christian national identity in Africa: A historical perspective to the challenge of ethnicity to the Church in Kenya. Studies in World Christianity, 16, 126–144. Edinburgh University Press 22 George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9LF UK.
(2010). Urban IDPs in Uganda: victims of institutional convenience. Forced Migration Review, 32. Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford Department of International Development.
(2010). The Youth are more like Oysters than Sausages in Kenya; Empowerment is Supreme. In International Journal of Social Science, 2(4), 22–26.
(2010). 3.“Second Home Tourism: African Experience”. ISBN 978-8. Tourism, Urbanization and the Way Forward. Politica Internacional, Barcelona, Spain.
(2009). An analysis of emotional intelligence and the performance of principals in selected schools in Kenya. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 11, 719–746. SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.
(2009). Analysis of production objectives and breeding practices of dairy goats in Kenya. Tropical animal health and production, 41, 307–320. Springer.
(2009). Articulate incoherence: the 'Green leaves' by Grace Ogot as an early expression of Kenyan postcolonial identity, 8, 31 - 43. presented at the 2009.
(2009). Assessment of Drug Interactions Between Antiretroviral and the Anthelminthic drugs. Department of Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Liverpool (UK).
(2009). Autobiography and the Quest for Nationhood. In Moi University Annual International Conference. presented at the 4-7 August, Eldoret, Kenya.
(2009). Between a rock and a hard place: Victims of persecution and armed conflict in South Africa. Hastings International and Comparative Law Review, 32, 1–53.