Proximate chemical composition of street foods and their energy and protein contribution to the nutrition of manual workers in Nairobi. Ecology of food and nutrition, 37, 123–133. Taylor & Francis.
(1998). Publications
Report of the first case of invasive fungal sinusitis caused by Scopulariopsis acremonium: review of Scopulariopsis infections. Archives of Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery, 124, 1014–1016. American Medical Association.
(1998). The Spectre of Famines and Food crisis in Africa. Nation Newspaper.
. (1997).
The editors would like to thank the following people who have acted as referees during the academic year 1996-7: M. Abdel-Fadil J. Amariglio. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 21, 769–770.
(1997). Effects of three nematode anthelmintic treatment regimes on flock performance of sheep and goats under extensive management in semi-arid Kenya. Veterinary Parasitology, 68, 323 - 336. Website Abstract
(1997). Ethnicity and otherness in Kenya cultures. In , Ethnicity, Nationalism and Democracy in Africa (p. 51–56). Kisumu: Maseno University College.
(1997). Guest Editor’s Note: Positron Emission Tomography (PET): A Revolutionary New Approach to Drug Discovery and Development?. Drug information journal: DIJ/Drug Information Association, 31, 989–990. Springer.
(1997). Interferon gamma induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in a model of ovarian cancer: enhancement of effect by batimastat. European Journal of Cancer, 33, 1114–1121. Pergamon.
(1997). Language and Literacy the Need for a Utilitarian Language in Technical and Vocational Education. In Kiswahili as a Tool for Development – The Multidisciplinary Approach. presented at the 10-12 September.
(1997). The performance of manual indexes and online databases in information retrieval. OCLC Systems & Services, 13, 21–24. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
(1997). Randomised clinical trial to determine optimum initiation time of norgestrel-progestin only contraception in Eldoret Teaching Hospital, Kenya.. East African medical journal, 74, 103–107.
(1997). Randomised clinical trial to determine optimum initiation time of norgestrel-progestin only contraception in Eldoret Teaching Hospital, Kenya.. East African medical journal, 74(2), 103-107.
(1997). Reconstruction after infrastructure maxillectomy using dual free flaps. The Laryngoscope, 107, 694–697. Wiley Online Library.
(1997). The risk and complications of aspiration following cricopharyngeal myotomy. The American journal of medicine, 103, 61S–63S. Elsevier.
(1997). The role of dental prostheses in alveolar ridge squamous carcinomas. Archives of Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery, 123, 1112–1115. American Medical Association.
(1997). A study of HIV seroprevalence in a group of homeless youth in Hollywood, California. J Adolesc Health, 20. Website
(1997). Tracheal advancement flap for postlaryngectomy stomal stenosis. Head & Neck: Journal for the Sciences and Specialties of the Head and Neck, 19, 211–215. Wiley Online Library.
(1997). Attempts at Language Rationalization as a Response to the Development needs of Kenyan’s. In 2nd OSSREARC Conference. presented at the July, Bongo Hotel, Kitale, Kenya.
(1996). Carcinoma of the larynx in patients with gastroesophageal reflux. American journal of otolaryngology, 17, 386–390. Elsevier.