Detection and Concentration of Plasma Aflatoxin Is Associated with Detection Of Oncogenic Human Papillomavirus In Kenyan Women . Open Forum Infectious Diseases,
(2019). Publications
Determinants of dietary diversity among women of reproductive age in two different agro-ecological zones of Rongai Sub-County, Nakuru, Kenya. Food & nutrition research, 63. SNF Swedish Nutrition Foundation.
(2019). Development of a digital immunohistochemistry records’ management system at the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH), Eldoret, Kenya.. American Society of Clinical Oncology.
(2019). The development of refugee protection in Africa: From cooperation to nationalistic prisms. In Refugees and Forced Migrants in Africa and the EU (p. 13–35). Springer.
(2019). Diagnosis and clinical outcomes of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in antiretroviral therapy programmes in low-and middle-income countries: a multicohort study. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 22, e25392.
(2019). Directly observed therapy and risk of unfavourable tuberculosis treatment outcomes among an international cohort of people living with HIV in low-and middle-income countries. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 22, e25423.
(2019). Disability-adjusted life-years due to stroke in Kenya. Neuroepidemiology, 53, 48–54. Karger Publishers.
(2019). Disseminated Vegetating Plaques and Pustules. JAMA dermatology, 155, 243–244. American Medical Association.
(2019). Does CEO Traits Influence Innovation? Evidence from the Kenya Banking Sector. Journal of Accounting, Business and Finance Research, 7, 98–106.
(2019). Does Entrepreneur Innovativeness Moderate The Relationship Between Strategic Orientation And Financial Inclusion?. SEISENSE Journal of Management, 2, 30–48.
(2019). Does Entrepreneurs Behavioral Disposition Affect the Level of Financial Inclusion?. Journal of Finance and Accounting, 3, 12–31.
(2019). Does the ‘Process’ of Process Capital Matter to Performance? Evidence from Kenyan Commercial Banks. Journal of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies, 5, 105–114.
(2019). Does the ‘Process’ of Process Capital Matter to Performance? Evidence from Kenyan Commercial Banks. Journal of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies, 5(1), 105-114.
(2019). Drug susceptibility testing and mortality in patients treated for tuberculosis in high-burden countries: a multicentre cohort study. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 19, 298–307. Elsevier.
(2019). Early Second Trimester Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome in Monoamniotic Twin Pregnancy: The Cause and Management â A Case Report from Resource Limited Settings. Gynaecology & Obstetrics Case report , Vol.5 (No.3:80), 1-4.
. (2019). Educating the individual for critical consciousness: A Freirean critique to education theory and practice in Kenya. African Journal of Education and Practice, 4, 32–50.
(2019). Effect of Charcoal Filters Integrated with Moringa oleifera Seed Extracts on Microbial Population in Water from Unprotected Sources of Kapseret Division, Kenya. Advances in Microbiology , 14(2), 1-8.
(2019). Effect of Customs Administration Strategies on Cross Border Logistics Efficiency in East Africa Member Countries. A Case of Kenyan Borders with Uganda and Tanzania. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6(4), 1397–1414.
(2019). Effect of firm characteristics on financial inclusions; evidence from women owned enterprises in Kenya. Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences, 10, 53–60. Scholarlink Research Institute.
(2019). Effect of intrinsic clay soil composition on the properties of fired clay bricks. African Journal of Rural Development, 4(3), 351-361.