Educating the individual for critical consciousness: A Freirean critique to education theory and practice in Kenya. African Journal of Education and Practice, 4, 32–50.
(2019). Publications
Effect of Charcoal Filters Integrated with Moringa oleifera Seed Extracts on Microbial Population in Water from Unprotected Sources of Kapseret Division, Kenya. Advances in Microbiology , 14(2), 1-8.
(2019). Effect of Customs Administration Strategies on Cross Border Logistics Efficiency in East Africa Member Countries. A Case of Kenyan Borders with Uganda and Tanzania. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 6(4), 1397–1414.
(2019). Effect of firm characteristics on financial inclusions; evidence from women owned enterprises in Kenya. Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences, 10, 53–60. Scholarlink Research Institute.
(2019). Effect of intrinsic clay soil composition on the properties of fired clay bricks. African Journal of Rural Development, 4(3), 351-361.
(2019). Effect of Logistic Information Integration Capability on Performance of Manufacturing Firms: The Moderating Role of Supply Chain Linkages. Journal of Research in Business, Economics & Management , 13(3), 2480-2493.
(2019). Effect of Ownership Structure on Corporate Diversification of Listed Firms in Kenya. SEISENSE Journal of Management, 2, 29–46.
(2019). EFFECTS OF LEADERSHIP STYLES ON EMPLOYEE COMMITMENT TO SERVICE QUALITY IN HOTELS; [Case Study of Selected Hotels in Mombasa, Kenya]. In ATLAS conference . Kampala, Uganda .
(2019). Effects of Resource Mobilization on Turkana Pastoralists’ Livelihoods: A focus on Lake Turkana in Kenya. International Journal of sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 48(4).
(2019). Effects of Viscous Dissipation Parameter on Magneto-hydrodynamic Free Convective Flow through a Porous Media of Parallel Plates with a Non-uniform Heat Source for an Unsteady Case. Asian Research Journal of Mathematics, 1-18.
(2019). Efficacy of the Use of Mobile Applications on Front Office Operations; a Case Study Hilton Hotel Nairobi. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management, 2(1), 1-16.
(2019). Electrospun cellulose acetate and poly (vinyl chloride) nanofiber mats containing silver nanoparticles for antifungi packaging. SN Applied Sciences, 1, 1–12. Springer.
(2019). Emergency management of a 1st Maxillary premolar with bayonet shaped canals: A case report. The Endodontic Society of the Philippines journal, 12(1), 1-6.
(2019). Employee Social Skills as an Antecedent to Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Kenyan Universities. African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 5, 171–178.
(2019). Endodontic Epidemiology: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. . Journal of Dental Sciences Research & Reports., SRC/JDSR-101.
(2019). Environmental Health Graduates’ Work Skills Competencies: Perspectives from the Employers and the Graduates. Health, 11(2), 182-194. Scientific Research Publishing.
Epidemiology of periodontal diseases: A systematic review. Scientific Archives of Dental Sciences, 2, 86–88.
. (2019). Epidemiology of Periodontal Diseases: A Systematic Review. Scientific Archives Of Dental Sciences, 2(12), 86-88.
(2019). Epstein barr virus IgG and EBER-1 in Burkitt’s lymphoma children at a referral hospital in western Kenya. The Pan African Medical Journal, 34. African Field Epidemiology Network.
(2019). Ethnic Cultural Nights in Kenya: Performance of Culture as Negotiation of Ethnic Identities within the Nation Identity Spaces. In , Narrative, Agency and Subjectivity: Writing and Contemporary Eastern African Peripheral Subjectivities (Ed.). Kampala: Fountain Publishers.
(2019). Ethnicity, Language and Identity in Kenya. Modern Africa: Politics, History and Society, 7(1), 113-137.
Ethnomedical Survey of the Plants Used by Traditional Healers in Narok County, Kenya. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2019. Hindawi. DOI Abstract