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(2016). Retention in care and patient-reported reasons for undocumented transfer or stopping care among HIV-infected patients on antiretroviral therapy in Eastern Africa: application of a sampling-based approach. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 62, 935–944. Oxford University Press.
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(2016). Role of ICT in Enabling High Quality OERs for Teacher Education and Training in Dadaab Refugee Settlement in Kenya. Research Journal of Education. ISSN(e): 2413-0540, 2413, 7–14.
(2016). The Role of Mass Media in Women's Participation in 2013 Kenya General Election. In Political Influence of the Media in Developing Countries (p. 250–270). IGI Global.
(2016). Screening by clinical breast examination in Western Kenya: Who comes?. Journal of Global Oncology, 2, 114–122. American Society of Clinical Oncology.
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(2016). Screening by clinical breast examination in Western Kenya: Who comes?. Journal of global oncology, 2, 114–122. American Society of Clinical Oncology.
(2016). Securitization and the Subprime Mortgage Crisis of 2007-2008. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 7.
(2016). Self-reported practices among traditional birth attendants surveyed in western Kenya: a descriptive study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 16.
(2016). The significance of context for curriculum development in engineering education: a case study across three African countries. European Journal of Engineering Education, 41, 279-292. Taylor & Francis. Website Abstract
(2016). A Single Traversal Algorithm for Serializing any Binary Tree. Asian Journal of Computer and Information Systems, 4(2).
(2016). Small and Micro enterprise Owners’ Characteristics and their impact on capital structure. European Journal of Business, Economics and Accountancy, 4, 1–13.
(2016). Social Construction 0f the Meaning of Infertility in Kenya: A Case of Kisumu County. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 4.
(2016). Social Construction of the meaning of infertility in Kenya: A Case of Kisumu County. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research, 4(3), 570-583. ST Paul's University.
(2016). Socio-Cultural Beliefs and Practices Associated with Infertility in Kenya: A Case of Kisumu County. African Multidisciplinary Journal of Research, 1.
(2016). South American Journal of Public Health. South American Journal of Public Health, 4, 1–8. E-internatonal Journals of Academic and Scientific Research.
(2016). Specific performance indicators, market share and operating efficiency for commercial banks in Kenya. International Journal of Finance and Accounting, 5, 135–145.
(2016). Street children need to be loved, not treated like thugs. Kenya: Stand. Media.