“Because It Was Hard …”: Some Lessons Developing a Joint IRB Between Moi University (Kenya) and Indiana University (USA). The American Journal of Bioethics [Internet]. 2014;14:17-19. Website
. Publications
Behavioral attitudes and preferences in cooking practices with traditional open-fire stoves in Peru, Nepal, and Kenya: implications for improved cookstove interventions. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2014;11:10310–10326.
Bioavailability of enteric-coated microencapsulated calcium during pregnancy: a randomized crossover trial in Bangladesh–. The American journal of clinical nutrition. 2014;100:1587–1595.
Bioavailability of enteric-coated microencapsulated calcium during pregnancy: a randomized crossover trial in Bangladesh (804.4). The FASEB Journal. 2014;28:804–4.
Board demographic diversity, firm performance and strategic change: A test of moderation. Management Research Review. 2014;37:1110–1136.
Body composition, water turnover and physical activity among women in Narok County, Kenya. BMC public health. 2014;14:1212.
Braille competency among blind learners: Materials and teacher factors in Thika and Meru, Kenya. Journal of Special Needs and Disabilities Studies. 2014;1:9.
Braille Competency among Learners with Visual Impairment: Methodology and Learner Preparedness in Thika and Meru Counties, Kenya. Journal of Humanities and Social Science. 2014;4(10):109 - 116.
Braille competency among learners with visual impairments: Methodology and learner preparedness factors in Thika and Meru counties, Kenya. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. 2014;4(10):109-116.
Braille Competency among learners with visual impairments: Methodology and learner preparedness factors in Thika and Meru Counties, Kenya. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. 2014;4:109–116.
A case-control study of risk factors for fetal and early neonatal deaths in a tertiary hospital in Kenya. BMC pregnancy and childbirth. 2014;14:1–9.
Catering Components and its Influence on Students Satisfaction at Moi University, Eldoret Kenya in African. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality. 2014;2.
Characterizations of basalt unsaturated polyester laminates under static three-point bending and low-velocity impact loadings. Polymer Composites. 2014;35:2203–2213.
Collateral benefits arising from mass administration of azithromycin in the control of active trachoma in resource limited settings. The Pan African medical journal. 2014;19.
Comparative Study of Petrodiesel and Biodiesel in Domestic and Engine Use. African Journal of Technology. 2014;1.Abstract
Comparative Study of Petrodiesel and Biodiesel in Domestic and Engine Use. The African Journal of Technology. 2014;1(1):31-39.
Consumers’ perceptions towards goat’s milk: Exploring the attitude amongst consumers and its implication for a dairy goat breeding programme in Siaya County, Kenya. European Journal of Business and Management. 2014;6:221–229.
Contemporary factors influencing integration of pupils with special needs in public primary schools in Eldoret Municipality, Kenya. African Journal of Education, Science and Technology. 2014;1:55-62.
Cost analysis of integrating the PrePex medical device into a voluntary medical male circumcision program in Zimbabwe. PLoS ONE [Internet]. 2014;9. Website
Design and Implementation of a Low cost High bandwidth sampling bridge. In: Moi University's 10th Annual International Conference. Moi University, Eldoret: Moi University; 2014. p. .
Determinants of Expenditure by International Tourists in the North Coastal Region of Kenya in. International Journal of Advanced Research Volume. 2014;2:963–970.
Determinants of postnatal care use in Kenya. African Population Studies. 2014;28:1447–1459.
Determinants of seasonal loan default among beneficiaries of a state owned agricultural loan scheme in Uasin Gishu county, Kenya. Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences. 2014;5:51–55.