Universities and Emerging careers: Its implication on training. Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME)JRM. 2015.
. Publications
Use of Flow Cytometry Immunophenotyping for Diagnosis of Acute Leukemia at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS). 2015;13:72–80.
Use of UTAUT model to assess ICT adoption in Kenyan Public Universities. Information and Knowledge Management. 2015;5(12):79-83.
“We Hide Under the Scriptures”: Conceptualization of Health Among United Methodist Church Clergy in Kenya. Journal of religion and health. 2015;54:2235–2248.
Who Benefit from Secondary Education Busary Fund in Kenya?. International Journal of Education . 2015;7(2):337-349.
Why Housing Gap: Willingness or Eligibility to Mortgage Financing by Respondents in Uasin Gishu, Kenya?. Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS). 2015;6(4):266-275.
Women education and economic development in Kenya: Implications for curriculum development and implementation processes. Journal of Education and Practice [Internet]. 2015;4:80-86. Website
The 1969 OAU Convention and the continuing challenge for the African Union. Forced Migration Review. 2014.
4. The open and Distance Learning Approach: An Information and Communication technology Mode of Enhancing Social and Academic Development in Kenya: Opportunities and Challenges. Journal of Education and Practice. 2014;5(32).
Achievers Junior Secondary History Student’s Book 1 Malawi. Nairobi; 2014.
Achievers Junior Secondary History Student’s Book 1 Malawi. Nairobi; 2014.
Achievers Junior Secondary History Student’s Book 2Malawi. Nairobi; 2014.
Achievers Junior Secondary History Teacher’s Guide 2 Malawi. Nairobi; 2014.
Adding Value to Knowledge or Eroding the Quality of Education? a Critical Examination of the Module II Degree Programmes in Kenyan Public Universities. In: A Comparative Analysis of Higher Education Systems. Springer; 2014. p. 59–71.
Adding Value to Knowledge or Eroding the Quality of Education? A Critical Examination of Module II Degree Programmes in Kenyan Public Universities. A Comparative Analysis of Higher Education Systems. 2014;1:59-71.
African, Greek and Oriental Traditions in African Children’s Literature. In: Our Mythical Childhood: Classics and Children’s Literature Between West & East. Warsaw: Brill AV Media; 2014. p. .
An Analysis of Young People’s Appropriations of G-Pange HIV/AIDS Campaign Messages in Uasin-Gishu County, Kenya. In: Moi University Annual conference. Margaret Thatcher Library (MTL), Moi University - Kenya; 2014. p. .
Assessment of health effects related to the use of biomass fuel and indoor air pollution in Kapkokwon sub-location, Bomet country, Kenya. Open Journal of Air Pollution. 2014;3(03):61.
Assessment of Health Effects Related to the Use of Biomass Fuel and Indoor Air Pollution in Kapkokwon Sub-Location, Bomet Country, Kenya. Open Journal of Air Pollution. 2014;3:61–69.
Assessment of patient satisfaction with nursing care at a large referral hospital in Kenya. Journal of biology and health care. 2014;4.