Impact of introducing reserve flows on abstractive uses in water stressed Catchment in Kenya: Application of WEAP21 model. International Journal of Physical Sciences. 2010;5:2441–2449.
. Publications
Impact of Retirement Benefit Act (RBA) on Investment Returns to Pension Funds in Kenya. International Business & Economics Research Journal. 2010;9:51.
The Impact of Youth Cohort Deprivation on Nurturing Spontaneous Conflict: A Paper on National Healing and Reconciliation in Kenya. International Journal of Humanities. 2010;2(6):112–119.
Informed consent in international research: The rationale for different approaches. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene [Internet]. 2010;83. Website
Investigation of Cold Gas Dynamic Spraying of Sn onto Carbon-Epoxy Composite. University of Nottingham, Department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering. 2010.
Kalenjin popular music and the contestation of national space in Kenya. Journal of Eastern African Studies. 2010;4:425–434.
KCSE as a Criterion for University Admission: Weaknesses, Challenges, and Prospects for Use of Scholastic Apperception Test. Management Digest: A Journal of the Kenya Institute of Management - School of Management. 2010;2:87-92.
Land use cover and environmental changes in a semi-arid rangeland, Southern Kenya. Journal of Geography and Regional Planning. 2010;3:322–326.
Management of Liver Tumours in Children. In: College of Medicine of South Africa, Paediatric Surgical Registrars’ Conference. Johannesburg, South Africa; 2010. p. .
Meaning Making Procedures in Education and Training and their Implications to the Choice of Infrastructure for Technology in Education. Kenya Journal of educational planning, economics and management. 2010;2:127-132.
Mixed feeding among infants aged 0-6 months in an urban setting of Eldoret, Kenya. Journal of food, agriculture & environment. 2010;8:59–62.
Networking, Research and Knowledge Transfer in the Arts and Humanities: Prospects and Challenges. In: Humboldt Alumni Association Conference on “Synergy and Networking to Enhance Research and Development”. Nairobi, Kenya; 2010. p. .
The oral health knowledge and oral hygiene practices among primary school children age 5-17 years in a rural area of Uasin Gishu District, Enya. East African journal of public health. 2010;7.
Parental Styles as Predictors of Socialization and Conflict Management in Society. African Ecclesial Review. 2010;52:465-483.
A radical proposal to deal with our prejudices. In: Oxford Transitional Justice Research. Debating International Justice in Africa (OTJR Collected Essays 2008-2010). Oxford: The Foundation for Law, Justice and Society & The Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford; 2010. p. 117-118.
Relevant, Effective, and Transformative Leadership in Higher Education in the 21st Century. Management Digest: A Journal of the Kenya Institute of Management - School of Management. 2010;2:26-34.
Risk factors for death in HIV-infected adult African patients receiving antiretroviral therapy. East Afr Med. 2010;87:50–58.
The role of inter-religious education in fostering peace and development. In: International Handbook of Inter-religious Education. Springer; 2010. p. 659–672.
The Role of Social Entrepreneurship in HIV/AIDS Management across the Education Sector in Kenya. Journal of European Industrial Training- “HRD and Entrepreneurship in Africa. 2010;3.
The role of social entrepreneurship in HIV/AIDS management across the education sector in Kenya. Journal of European Industrial Training. 2010;34:167–182.