Youth enterprise development fund (YEDF) and growth of enterprise at constituency level in Kenya. European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences. 2012:175–182.
. Publications
2011. L’Espace géoculturel, l’écriture, la texture et l’enseignement du français écrit dans le contexte kényan. Paris: The French Government Research publishing Agency A.N.R.T.; 2011 p. 438 pp.
The African Beat in the Classroom. An Enhancement of Learning Process in Kenyan Schools and Worship. The first International Conference by Kenya Association Musical Arts Education (KAMAE) Theme: Music in Education and worship. 2011.
An African Man. In: The Doomed Conspiracy and Other Stories. Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers; 2011. p. 195-211 .
{Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptom self-report among medical students in Eldoret, Kenya}. African Journal of Psychiatry (South Africa). 2011;14.Abstract
The attitude of university medical students towards sports participation: An aspect of sports counselling. Kenya Guidance, Counselling and Psychological Association Journal. 2011;1(1):8-16.
The award of the PhD degree in Kenyan universities: A quality assurance perspective. Quality in Higher Education. 2011;17:163-178.
Burden of anemia among indigenous populations. Nutrition reviews. 2011;69:693–719.
Challenges and lessons learnt at Moi University: In Guide for the Promotion of the Quality Culture in East-African Universities. In: AfriQ’ Units. University of Alicante, AfriQ’ Units; 2011. p. 25–64. Website
The challenges facing bachelor of education school based programme students satisfaction on the use of ICT: a case of moi university, Kenya. Higher Education Research and Policy Network (Herpnet). 2011.
Characterization of two phase flows in chemical engineering reactors. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation [Internet]. 2011;22:265 - 271. WebsiteAbstract
Colour and nutrient removal from textile waste water using an enhanced fluidised bed bioreactor. The African Journal of Technology. 2011;1:65–79.
Community opinions on wildlife, resource use and livelihood competition in Kimana Group Ranch near Amboseli, Kenya. The Open Conservation Biology Journal. 2011;5.
Concurrent sexual partnerships and human immunodeficiency virus risk among South African youth. Sex Transm Dis. 2011;38.
Congenital sublingual cyst: a case report. East and Central African Journal of Surgery. 2011;16:157–161.
Cultural identity and new communication technologies: political, ethnic and ideological implications. In: IGI Global; Hershey, Pennyslavania, USA; 2011.
Customers general acceptability of traditional foods served at an African cuisine luncheon in the Guest House at Moi University, Chepkoilel Campus. African Journal of Business and Economics. . 2011;(1):116-126.
Definition of breeding objectives and optimum crossbreeding levels for goats in the smallholder production systems. Small Ruminant Research [Internet]. 2011;96:16 - 24. WebsiteAbstract