{Knowledge, attitudes, and substance use practices among street children in Western Kenya}. Substance Use and Misuse. 2012;47.Abstract
. Publications
Knowledge, attitudes, and substance use practices among street children in Western kenya. Subst Use Misuse [Internet]. 2012;47. Website
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Substance Use Practices Among Street Children in Western Kenya. Substance Use & Misuse [Internet]. 2012;47:1234-1247. WebsiteAbstract
Learning environment and burnout among Kenyan medical students: The main mediating and, moderating effects of coping styles. Deutschland: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG; 2012 p. .
Listening and speaking as two sides of the same coin: Negotiating dualisms in intercultural feminist collaboration. Journal of feminist studies in religion. 2012;28:49–67.
A Literature Workbook on David Mulwa’s Play ‘Redemption’. Berlin: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing; 2012 p. .
A Literature Workbook on Mariam Ba’s novel ‘Scarlet Song’. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing: Berlin; 2012 p. .
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Management and outcome of patients with Wilms’ tumour (nephroblastoma) at the Moi Teaching and referral hospital, Eldoret, Kenya. East African medical journal. 2012;89:121–127.
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Mathematical Terms Usage and Academic Achievement: A Focus on Primary Schools in Eldoret Municipality, Kenya. Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing; 2012 p. .
Misdiagnosis and Clinical significance of non – tuberculosis mycobacteria in Western Kenya in the era of human immunodeficiency virus epidemic. East Africa medical journal. 2012;89.
Multitemporal comparative analysis of TRMM-3B42 satellite-estimated rainfall with surface gauge data at basin scales: daily, decadal and monthly evaluations. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2012;33:7662–7684.
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Music movement and drama in early childhood education: An assessment of the Moi university case. International Journal of current research. 2012;4(3): 229-233.
Negotiating Dualisms in Intercnltural Feminist Collaboration. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion (Indiana University Press). 2012;28.
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