Factors that affect the Outcome of Outside Catering in Kenya. Food Science and Quality Management. 2012;9:8–16.
. Publications
Factors that influence career choice of hospitality students in Moi University, Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice. 2012;3:83–90.
Genetic improvement of livestock for milk production. In: Milk Production-Advanced Genetic Traits, Cellular Mechanism, Animal Management and Health. InTech; 2012.
Genetic Improvement of Livestock for Milk Production. In: Milk Production. Rijeka: IntechOpen; 2012. Website
Glimpsing Africa A new: Possibilities in Literary Discourses. In: International Workshop at the University of Cape Town on Thinking Africa + Diaspora Differently: Theories, Practices, Imaginaries. South Africa; 2012. p. .
Heterogeneous Basic Catalysts For Transesterification Of Vegetable Oils: A Review. Proceedings of Sustainable Research and Innovation Conference. 2012:59–68} url = {http://sri.jkuat.ac.ke/ojs/index.php/proceedings/article/view/129.Abstract
HIV among out-of-school youth in Eastern and Southern Africa: a review. AIDS Care. [Internet]. 2012;24. Website
HIV co-infection with tuberculous and non-tuberculous mycobacteria in western Kenya: challenges in the diagnosis and management. African health sciences. 2012;12:305–311.
HIV infection and sexual partnerships and behaviour among adolescent girls in Nairobi, Kenya. Int J STD AIDS [Internet]. 2012;23. Website
HIV/AIDS and its Impact on Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Policy Initiatives and Challenges. International Perspectives on Education and Society. 2012;18:1-26.
HIV/AIDS and its impact on education in sub-Saharan Africa: policy initiatives and challenges. In: The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Education Worldwide. Emerald Group Publishing Limited; 2012. p. 1–26.
Impediments to Regional Tourism Development in Kenya’s North Rift Region. International Journal of Business and Commerce. 2012;2(4):39-50.
In vitro and in vivo tests of Bacillus licheniformis MGrP1 antibiotics culture filtrate as a potential biocontrol agent against bean anthracnose. East African Journal of Pure and Applied Science. 2012;1:1—16.
Internet Banking: An Analysis of Factors Influencing Internet Banking Use in Kenya. Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-8473-4965-5; 2012 p. .
Interrogating Dichotomies, Reconstructing Emancipation:: Bessie Head's Vision on Gender Issues. In: Reflections and Retrospectives in African Literature Today. Boydell & Brewer; 2012. p. 122–137.
Juhudi za Vyombo vya Habari katika Kukuza na Kueneza Kiswahili Nchini Kenya. Kioo cha Lugha. 2012;10:32–49.
Knowledge, attitudes, and substance use practices among street children in Western Kenya. Subst Use Misuse [Internet]. 2012;47. Website
Knowledge, attitudes, and substance use practices among street children in western Kenya. Subst Use Misuse [Internet]. 2012;47. Website