An assessment of the large mammal component of the proposed wildlife sanctuary site in Maasai Kuku Group Ranch near Amboseli, Kenya. South African Journal of Wildlife Research-24-month delayed open access. 2005;35:63–76.
. Publications
Bio-economic model to support breeding of indigenous chicken in different production systems. International Journal of Poultry Science. 2005;4:827–839.
Bio-economic model to support breeding of indigenous chicken in different production systems. International Journal of Poultry Science. 2005;4:827–839.
Bio-economic model to support breeding of indigenous chicken in different production systems. International Journal of Poultry Science. 2005;4:827–839.
Colonial violence, postcolonial violations: Violence, landscape, and memory in Kenyan fiction. Research in African Literatures. 2005:85–94.
Couture, P. 141. Ann Nutr Metab. 2005;49:420.
Diffusion of information and communication technologies in communication of agricultural information among agricultural researchers and extension workers in Kenya. South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science. 2005;71:234–246.
The diffusion of innovations theory as a theoretical framework in library and information science research. South African journal of libraries and information science. 2005;71:211–224.
Does Sheng have a Kiswahili grammar. Annual Publication in African Linguistics (APAL). 2005;3:5–25.
EANS Society News. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 2005;49:140–142.
Economic values for resistance to gastrointestinal helminths in meat sheep in Kenya. Journal of animal breeding and genetics. 2005;122:165–171.
Esophageal cancer in North Rift Valley of Western Kenya. African Health Sciences. 2005;5:157–63.
Esophageal cancer in north rift valley of western Kenya. African health sciences. 2005;5:157–163.
Evaluation of closed adult nucleus multiple ovulation and embryo transfer and conventional progeny testing breeding schemes for milk production in tropical crossbred cattle. Journal of dairy science. 2005;88:1582–1594.
Evaluation of Closed Adult Nucleus Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer and Conventional Progeny Testing Breeding Schemes for Milk Production in Tropical Crossbred Cattle. Journal of Dairy Science [Internet]. 2005;88:1582 - 1594. WebsiteAbstract
Evaluation of Closed Adult Nucleus Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer and Conventional Progeny Testing Breeding Schemes for Milk Production in Tropical Crossbred Cattle. Journal of Dairy Science [Internet]. 2005;88:1582 - 1594. WebsiteAbstract
Gastroschisis: immediate reduction by Bianchi procedure at Moi teaching and referral hospital, Eldoret: case report. East African medical journal. 2005;82.
Information seeking and communication behaviour of Kenya railways engineers. University of Dar es Salaam Library Journal. 2005;7:98–111.
Insider-outsider debates in the construction of ethnography. Maarifa (Eldoret, Kenya). 2005;1:19–25.
Land use changes and human–wildlife conflicts in the Amboseli Area, Kenya. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 2005;10:19–28.
On lexicalization in Sheng. Nordic Journal of African Studies. 2005;14:22–22.
Linguistic Human Rights in Kenya. In: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), in Collaboration with Goethe-Institut & University of Nairobi Hosted a Conference on Across Borders, Benefiting from Cultural Differences: At University of Nairobi, Kenya, 17th and 18th March 2005. DAAD, Regional Office for Africa, Nairobi; 2005. p. 25.
The Official FENS Calendar. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 2005;49:139–139.