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(2011). Publications
Integrating ICT into the Management of Medical Records at Uasin Gishu District Hospital, Eldoret. Journal of Technology and Socio-Economic Development, 1(1).
(2011). Journalists and the Rule of Law. Nairobi: ICJ (Kenya).
(2011). Kenya opent data project. Nairobi: Government of Kenya.
(2011). La dermatopathologie au Regional Dermatology Training Centre (RDTC) dans le Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC), Moshi, Tanzanie–un résumé 2006–2010. In Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie (Vol. 138, p. A123). Elsevier Masson.
(2011). Leaching of potassium from cotton husk for production of liquid soap. Moi University.
(2011). The Link between University Counselling Services and Students’ Needs. International Journal of Current Research, 3(10), 107-115.
(2011). Literacy and development; a case study of Kenya with special reference to Jack Goody. In , Themes in Language, Literature and Education in Kenya (p. 135-150). Ontario, Canada: Nsemia Inc. Publishers.
(2011). Modeling the RTD of an industrial overflow ball mill as a function of load volume and slurry concentration. Minerals Engineering, 24, 335–340. Elsevier.
(2011). Moi University improvement action report: examinations:. In Guide for the Promotion of the Quality Culture in East-African Universities: AfriQ’ Units (p. 111-120). University of Alicante, AfriQ’ Units. Website
(2011). Moi University improvement action report: examinations: in Guide for the Promotion of the Quality Culture in East-African Universities. In (AfriQ’ Units., p. 111–120). University of Alicante, AfriQ’ Units. Website
(2011). Morbidity and mortality in HIV-infected children admitted at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Western Kenya. East African Medical Journal, 88, 229–237. Kenya Medical Association.
(2011). Morbidity and Mortality in HIV-infected children admitted to Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Western Kenya.. East African Medical Journal, 88, 382–390.
(2011). Natural fibre-reinforced polymer composites and nanocomposites for automotive applications. In Cellulose fibers: bio-and nano-polymer composites (p. 661–700). Springer.
(2011). Occurrence of African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) and East African cassava mosaic virus–Uganda (EACMV-UG) in Jatropha curcas. In BMC proceedings (Vol. 5, p. 1–2). BioMed Central.
(2011). An overview of suicidal behaviour in Africa. In , Contemporary Psychiatry in Africa ( A Review of Theory, Practice and Research., p. 375-396). Nairobi: Acrodile Publishing Ltd.
(2011). An overview of suicidal behaviour in Africa. In , Contemporary Psychiatry in Africa (p. 375-396). Nairobi: Acrodile Publishing Ltd.
(2011). Perceptions of primary school teachers and pupils on adequacy of HIV/AIDS life skills education in Nairobi and Thika districts, Kenya. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 1, 71–79.
(2011). The Perceptions of the Role of Principals in Traditional and Outcome- Based School Environment.. International Journal of Current Research, 3.
(2011). The plight of the Kenyan able school misfit.. 12th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Special Education.