Characteristics and Personal Social Networks of the on-the-Street, of-the-Street, Shelter and School Children in Eldoret, Kenya. International Social Work [Internet]. 2004;47:293-311. WebsiteAbstract
. Publications
Childhood intussusception at the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital Eldoret: management challenges in a rural setting. East African medical journal. 2004;81:443–446.
A comparative analysis of the principle of competition in business management and the principle of love in Christian ethics in Africa. In: Strathmore University Press; 2004.
Consumption of vitamin A by breastfeeding children in rural Kenya. Food and nutrition bulletin. 2004;25:256–263.
Economic values for resistance to helminths in meat sheep in Kenya. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics. 2004.
Economic values for traits in breeding objectives for sheep in the tropics: impact of tangible and intangible benefits. Livestock Production Science. 2004;88:143–160.
Economic values for traits in breeding objectives for sheep in the tropics: impact of tangible and intangible benefits. Livestock Production Science [Internet]. 2004;88:143 - 160. WebsiteAbstract
Economic values for traits in breeding objectives for sheep in the tropics: impact of tangible and intangible benefits. Livestock Production Science [Internet]. 2004;88:143 - 160. WebsiteAbstract
Engineering Education in African Universities: A Case for Internationalization. Journal of Studies in International Education [Internet]. 2004;8:377-389. WebsiteAbstract
Impact on natural fibre-reinforced polypropylene composites: failure modes. In: The Textile Institute 83rd World Conference, Shanghai, China, 23rd – 27th May 2004. Vol. 3. ; 2004. p. 1065–1068.
Insider/Outsider Perceptions: Ideological Intrusions in Angira’s and Macgoye”s Poems ‘Kisumu’. The Nairobi Journal of Literature: East African Literature: Perspectives and Insights. 2004;(2).Abstract
Lexicalization in Sheng. Alternation. 2004;11:325–342.
The Migrant Experience in East African Asian Writing. Commonwealth: Essays and Studies. 2004;26:17.
Mortality in a cohort of street youth in Montreal. JAMA [Internet]. 2004;292. Website
Neonatal gastric perforation. East African medical journal. 2004;81:56–58.
Psychosocial and Nutritional Status of Street Children In Comparison to School Children: A Case of Eldoret Town. African J Food, Agric Nutr Dev. 2004;4.
Religion and socio-political change in Kenya: 1978-2003. Church-State Relations: A Challenge for African Christianity. 2004:125–137.
Sexual behavior is more risky in rural than in urban areas among young women in Nyanza province, Kenya. Sexually transmitted diseases. 2004;31:481–487.