
In Press
Wauye, V. M., Njiru, E., Amadi, A. K., Hagembe, M. N., & Kigen, G. (2024). Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia primarily presenting as life-threatening pericardial effusion, Eldoret, Kenya: A case report. Clinical Case Reports, 12, e9048. Website Abstract
Key Clinical Message Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, a rare case of hematological malignancy mainly affects the elderly and may present with life threatening pericardial effusion as an initial manifestation. High index of suspicion is hence key for early management. Abstract We present a case of an 81-year-old African male who presented with progressive cough, respiratory distress and bilateral lower limb swelling, and was diagnosed with life-threatening pericardial effusion resulting from chronic myelomonocytic leukemia following complete blood count, peripheral blood film, bone marrow aspirate with trephine biopsy, and flow cytometry studies.
