Effectiveness of Pastoral Programme Instruction in Management of Discipline in Primary Schools in Cheptiret zone, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. People Matter: A Journal of Applied Psychology. 2010;1:57-71.
. Publications
Elevating Transitional Local Justice or Crystallizing Global Governance. Localizing Transitional Justice: Interventions and Priorities after Mass Violence. 2010:275–284.
{Emergency mental health and psychosocial support for survivors of post-election violence in Eldoret, Kenya.}. East African medical journal. 2010;87.Abstract
Forest Resource use on adjacent communities of Mau Forest Complex. Lambert Academic Publishing Germany; 2010 p. .
Foreword. In: Counterpoint and Other Poems. Nairobi: Oxford University Press; 2010. p. x-xii.
Gender differences in self-efficacy and academic performance in science subjects among secondary school students in Lugari District, Kenya. Educational Journal of Behavioral Science. 2010;1(1):62 – 78.
{General medical conditions among patients with mental illness.}. East African medical journal. 2010;87.
Genetic evaluation of breeding strategies for improvement of dairy cattle in Kenya. Tropical Animal Health and Production [Internet]. 2010;42:1073–1079. WebsiteAbstract
Genetic evaluation of breeding strategies for improvement of dairy cattle in Kenya. Tropical Animal Health and Production [Internet]. 2010;42:1073–1079. WebsiteAbstract
Genetic evaluation of breeding strategies for improvement of dairy cattle in Kenya. Tropical animal health and production. 2010;42:1073–1079.
Genetic evaluation of growth of Dorper sheep in semi-arid Kenya using random regression models. Small Ruminant Research [Internet]. 2010;93:126 - 134. WebsiteAbstract
Genetic evaluation of growth of Dorper sheep in semi-arid Kenya using random regression models. Small Ruminant Research [Internet]. 2010;93:126 - 134. WebsiteAbstract
Genetic evaluation of growth of Dorper sheep in semi-arid Kenya using random regression models. Small ruminant research. 2010;93:126–134.
Genetic polymorphism of kappa-casein gene in indigenous Eastern Africa goat populations. International Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology. 2010;2:001–005.
Genetic polymorphism of kappa-casein gene in indigenous Eastern Africa goat populations. International Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology. 2010;2:001–005.
Higher education in animal breeding in developing countries–challenges and opportunities. In: The 9th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. ; 2010.
Hybrid Identities and Cultural Pluralism. In: Indian Writers: Transnationalisms and Diasporas. New York: Peter Lang; 2010. p. 161-170.
Identification systems and selection criteria for small ruminants among pastoralist communities in northern Kenya: prospects for a breeding programme. Tropical Animal Health and Production [Internet]. 2010;42:1487–1492. WebsiteAbstract
Identification systems and selection criteria for small ruminants among pastoralist communities in northern Kenya: prospects for a breeding programme. Tropical animal health and production. 2010;42:1487–1492.