
I am a Lecturer in the Department of Pathology (Immunology section), College of Health Sciences, School of Medicine of Moi University. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree (Zoology) from Moi University in 2001, Master of Science (MSc [Parasitology {Immunity to infectious diseases}]) from Moi University in 2008 and obtained my PhD in 2015 from the University of Eldoret. I am also a Medical Laboratory Scientist who graduated with Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology from KMTC (Nairobi - 1988) and Higher Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences (Medical Virology) from KMTC (Nairobi - 1993). I am involve in teaching, supervising and examining Immunology to both undergraduate and postgraduate students at the various departments in School of Medicine, Dentistry, Public health and Nursing. I specifically teach Immunity to infections (bacteria, viruses, and fungi), Cell mediated immune responses (T-cell respnses), Autoimmune disorders, Immune Based Therapy, Laboratory Practical (both undergraduate and postgraduate) and virology (BSc Medical Laboratory Students).

Partnering with other Lecturers/Scientists in College of Health Sciences, School of Medicine of Moi University, I have made significant contributions to science through a project grant (2006 – 2010): Global Fund Round 5 Tuberculosis: Establishment of a Regional Centre for TB Genotyping and Surveillance at Moi University School of Medicine. Total Grant: US $ 1 700 000.00. From this grant we established a modern Mycobacteria / TB laboratory at the College of Health Sciences, Moi University. A number of publications were made from this grant using the laboratory. A vehicle (KAY 037 V Nissan Double cabin hard body) was also bought. My role was Laboratory coordinator and M&E.

Partnering again with Lecturers/Scientists in College of Health Sciences, School of Medicine of Moi University, we also received a grant from the Global Fund (2011-2015) of US $ 581,395.00: Acceleration of quality DOTS expansion in Kenya in order to achieve and sustain national TB control targets in line with Global TB control targets and the Millennium Development Goals. From this grant more than 150 TB field officers were trained in TB operation research. My role was a training coordinator and M&E.

Currently I have a collaborative research between Moi University-CDC on SARS-CoV-2: The Kenya SARS-CoV-2 Antibody and T-cell Immunity Survey (KAT). The research participants will be recruited in Marakwet sub Counties.