Foundations for effective strategies to control sexually transmitted infections: voices from rural Kenya. AIDS CARE. 1999;11(1):95-113.
. Publications
Geneflow and Cumulative discounted Revenues of Dairy Cattle Cross-Breeding Schemes. In: Kenya: Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Nairobi, Nairobi (Kenya); 1999.Abstract
Geneflow and Cumulative discounted Revenues of Dairy Cattle Cross-Breeding Schemes. In: Kenya: Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Nairobi, Nairobi (Kenya); 1999.Abstract
Helminth control in small ruminants in Kenya, a sustainable approach - The Veterinary Profession in a changing environment. Special issue of The Kenya Veterinarian. 1999;24:51-53.
Management of teachers in teachers training programme for both blind and regular teachers in Africa. In: Africa Conference for the Education of persons with Visual Impairments (ICEVI). Pretoria, Republic of South Africa; 1999. p. .
Methodological and ethical issues in research with street children. New Dir Child Adolesc Dev [Internet]. 1999;80. Website
Mwongozo wa Siku Njema. 1999.
Reproductive and sexual health problems of adolescent girls in Kenya: A challenge to the church. Reproductive Health Matters. 1999;7:130–133.
SECTION 2: THE IMPORTANCE OF A COMFORTABLE WOMB: SUBOPTIMAL CONDITIONS CAN BE DEALT WITH-A community-based health intervention programme in pastoral and agricultural Pokot communities in Western. Acta Paediatrica-International Journal of Paediatrics-Supplements. 1999:41–42.
Training and development of skills in a changing information environment. Library management. 1999.
Versions and Inversions: Mau Mau in Kahiga's" Dedan Kimathi: The Real Story". Research in African Literatures. 1999;30:154–161.
Association between drug use patterns and HIV risks among homeless, runaway, and street youth in northern California. Drug Alcohol Depend [Internet]. 1998;51. Website
Environmental Impact Assessment of a Booming Macro and Micro Enterprises (MME'S): Mitigating Strategies in Terms of Technology and Management in Eldoret Kenya. Proceedings of the Third International Congress SITHOK-3 Maribor Slovenia. 1998:45-54.
Epidemiological aspects of Fournier's gangrene at Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi. East African medical journal. 1998;75(10):586-589.
Excess effective Debye temperature of binary mixtures of nonelectrolytes. Indian journal of pure & applied physics. 1998;36:26–32.
Hypobiosis of Haemonchus contortus in natural infections of sheep and goats in a semi-arid area of Kenya. Veterinary Parasitology [Internet]. 1998;77:49 - 61. WebsiteAbstract
Improvement of indigenous poultry production in Sub-Saharan Africa. A paper presented at the International Course on Intensive Poultry Production held at the Centre for International Agricultural Development Co-operation (CINADCO) Kibbutz Shefayim. 1998;4.
Improvements of indigenous poultry production in Sub-Sahara Africa: International Course on Intensive Poultry Production, Centre for International Agricultural Development Co-Operation (CINADCO). Centre for International Agricultural Development Co-Operation (CINADCO), Tel Aviv, Israel. 1998:86.
Influence of Production Circumstances and Economic Evaluation Criteria on Economic Comparison of Breeds and Breed Crosses. Journal of Dairy ScienceJournal of Dairy Science [Internet]. 1998;81(8):2271 - 2279. WebsiteAbstract
Influence of production circumstances and economic evaluation criteria on economic comparison of breeds and breed crosses. Journal of Dairy Science. 1998;81:2271–2279.
Influence of Production Circumstances and Economic Evaluation Criteria on Economic Comparison of Breeds and Breed Crosses. Journal of Dairy ScienceJournal of Dairy Science [Internet]. 1998;81:2271 - 2279. WebsiteAbstract