Psychosocial and Nutritional Status of Street Children In Comparison to School Children: A Case of Eldoret Town. African J Food, Agric Nutr Dev. 2004;4.
. Publications
Religion and socio-political change in Kenya: 1978-2003. Church-State Relations: A Challenge for African Christianity. 2004:125–137.
Sexual behavior is more risky in rural than in urban areas among young women in Nyanza province, Kenya. Sexually transmitted diseases. 2004;31:481–487.
Stigmatization of persons living with HIV/Aids in Africa: pastoral challenges. African Ecclesial Review. 2004;46:35–54.
Tailored scaling: a possibility to improve the performance of ultra-wide continuously tunable photonic devices. Applied Physics B. 2004;79:87–93.
Testicular torsion: case report. East African medical journal. 2004;81:274–276.
Threats to biodiversity and their implications in protected and adjacent dispersal areas of Kenya. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 2004;12:55–69.
Uchanganuzi wa makosa ya kiisimu katika matumizi ya Kiswahili miongoni mwa Wanyore. Depart of Kiswahili and other African Languages. 2004.
What makes clinical research in developing countries ethical? The benchmarks of ethical research. J Infect Dis [Internet]. 2004;189. Website
10. Part 2. Carcass composition and fatty acid profiles of adipose tissue of male goats: effects of genotype and liveweight at slaughter. Small Ruminant Research. 2003;50:1–224.
Acknowledgement to the 2003 Reviewers. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 2003;47:670–670.
The aesthetics of theatre for community development in Kenya. Nairobi Journal of Literature. 2003:54–60.
An anti-personnel mine protection based on natural fibres. In: The 4th International Symposium on Materials from Renewable Resources, MesseCongressCenter Erfurt, Germany, 11th - 12th September 2003. ; 2003.
Application of the protected landscape model in southern Kenya. Parks. 2003;13:12–21.
Association of milk traits with SSCP polymorphisms at the growth hormone gene in the Serrana goat. Small Ruminant Research [Internet]. 2003;50:177 - 185. WebsiteAbstract
Association of milk traits with SSCP polymorphisms at the growth hormone gene in the Serrana goat. Small Ruminant Research [Internet]. 2003;50:177 - 185. WebsiteAbstract
Author Index Vol. 47, 2003. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 2003;47:671–672.
“Ben Okri” entry Stuttgart: Metzler. In: Metzler Lexikon englischsprachiger Autoren. Stuttgart: Metzler; 2003. p. 485.
Comparative study of some prevalent diseases of ecotype goats reared in southeastern Nigeria. Small Ruminant Research [Internet]. 2003;50:203 - 207. WebsiteAbstract
Comparative study of some prevalent diseases of ecotype goats reared in southeastern Nigeria. Small Ruminant Research [Internet]. 2003;50:203 - 207. WebsiteAbstract
Contents cont from OBC. Small Ruminant Research [Internet]. 2003;50:224. Website
Contents Vol. 47, 2003. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 2003;47:675–676.