Urbanization and Health: System Approaches. Participated in a Short course Training Programme under the Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP), held at United Nations University International Institute for Global Health in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
(2014). Publications
Use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) by Medical Professionals in accessing information for health care delivery at the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) in Eldoret, Kenya. Journal of Internal Academic Research for Multidisciplinary.
(2014). The Use of Participartory Communication Model to Achieve Reproductive Health Among Rural Women in Kenya. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 4.
(2014). Utilization of essential immunization services among children under five years old in Kacheliba Division, Pokot County, Kenya.. Science Journal of Public Health, 2, 617–623.
(2014). Utilization of Insecticide Treated Bed Nets among Mothers Attending MCH/FP in Webuye District Hospital, Bungoma County, Kenya. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, 4, 470. Scientific Research Publishing.
(2014). Virus versus host plant microRNAs: who determines the outcome of the interaction?. PloS one, 9, e98263. Public Library of Science San Francisco, USA.
(2014). Women Employment in Tourism Businesses: A Case Study of Eldoret Town, Kenya. African Journal Of Tourism and Hospitality, 1.
(2014). Young people's perception of sexual and reproductive health services in Kenya. BMC Health Serv Res, 14. Website
ZnO nanowires for energy harvesting and gas sensing applications: a quantum mechanical study. Applied Science and Technology.
(2014). Accessibility and Utilization of HIV and AIDS Services among the Visually Impaired Persons in Kenya. American International Journal of Social Sciences (AIJSS) (Print ISBN: 2325-4149, Online: ISSN: 2325-4165), 2(8), 167-172.
(2013). Active tuberculosis is associated with worse clinical outcomes in HIV-infected African patients on antiretroviral therapy. PLoS One, 8, e53022. Public Library of Science.
(2013). African Indigenous Education: A Case of the Keiyo of Kenya. US-China Education Review, 858.
(2013). Ama Ata Aidoo's short stories: empowering the African girl-child. African Literature Today, 148–161.
(2013). AMPATH-Oncology: A model for comprehensive cancer care in sub-Saharan Africa.. Journal of Cancer Policy, 1(3-4), e42-e48.
(2013). Analysis of Cost Sharing in the Public Universities. International Journal of Social Science and Humanities.
(2013). An Analysis of Emotional Intelligence and the Performance of Principals in Selected Schools in Kenya.. Journal of Advances in Developing Human Resources, 11, 719– 746.
(2013). Antiretroviral treatment interruptions induced by the Kenyan postelection crisis are associated with virological failure. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 64, 220. NIH Public Access.
(2013). Application of Managerial Grid Model in Catering and Hostels Departments of Moi University. Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
(2013). Appraising Official Response to Community Development Needs in Kenya: 1963 to the Present. Ontita, E. G, E. M. Mwenzwa & J. A. Misati. (Eds). Themes in Contemporary Community Development in Africa: A Multi-Disciplinary P. In Themes in Contemporary Community Development in Africa: A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective Pau: Delizon & Elvee (p. 34–46). Academic Book Publishers. ISBN: 978-2-36523-070-4,.