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. Publications
The impact of VIA screen and treatment with cryotherapy or LEEP in patients with HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). In: NCI U54 Meeting, Lilongwe, Malawi. ; 2018. p. .
Influence of Job Design on Commitment of Contact Centres Agents. Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary. 2018;6(10).
The Influence of Self-help Groups in Enhancing Social Integration and Decision Making among the Widows in Kenya. In Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal [Internet]. 2018;5:52–66. Website
Influence of social meaning of bribery on tactics used by matatu operators in Kisii County. Journal of Advance Research in Education and Social Sciences. 2018;2(4):6-17.
Influence of Social meanings of Bribery on Tactics used by Matatu Operators in Kisii, County. Journal of Advance Research in Education and Social Sciences. 2018;2(4):6-17.
Informal Motorcycle Business and Livelihoods in Urban Areas of Kenya: Evidence from Eldoret and Kakamega Towns. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development. 2018;7.
Integrating information and communication technology use and environmental conservation in livelihoods of small scale dairy farmers of Nandi and Uasin Gishu Counties. Africa Environmental Review Journal. 2018;3:153–162.
Integration of existing indigenous knowledge within mathematics curriculum for primary schools in Kenya. International Academic Journal of Social Sciences and Education,. 2018;2(1):74-87.
Inter-Disciplinary Training of Counsellors in Counsellor Training Institutions in Kenya. International Journal of Creative Research and Studies. 2018;2(10).
Jaggery and Tea Workers Perceptions on the Use of ITNs in Prevention of Malaria in South Mugirango Sub-County, Kisii County, Kenya. World Journal of Public Health. 2018;3:1.
Kenya’s Jihadi Clerics: Formulation of a ‘Liberation Theology’ and the Challenges to Secular Power. Journal for Muslim Minority Affairs. 2018;38(3):1-12.
Kenya's Jihadi Clerics: Formulation of a “Liberation Theology” and the Challenge to Secular Power. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. 2018;38:360–371.
Key Drivers in Sustainable Community Water Projects: Lessons from Elgeyo-Marakwet County, Kenya. In International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research [Internet]. 2018;2:30–38. Website
Knowledge-based recommendation: a review of ontology-based recommender systems for e-learning. Artificial Intelligence Review. 2018;50:21–48.
Level of men involvement in family planning practices and implementation in Kakamega County, Kenya. International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies. 2018;6(4):303-313.
Leveraging the power of partnerships: spreading the vision for a population health care delivery model in western Kenya. Globalization and health. 2018;14:44.
Levonorgestrel only emergency contraceptive use and risk of ectopic pregnancy in Eldoret Kenya: a case-control study. Pan African Medical Journal. 2018;31(214):doi:10.11604/pamj.2018.31.214.17484.
Loss to Follow-Up in a Cervical Cancer Screening and Treatment Program in Western Kenya. Journal of Global Oncology . 2018;4_suppl_2(97s-97s).
Macroeconomic Determinants Of Carbon Emissions In Kenya: An Ardl Approach. Researchjournali’s Journal of Economics. 2018;6(4):1-22.
Macroeconomic Determinants of Carbon Emissions in Kenya: An ARDL Approach. . Eldoret International conference on sustainable development (EICSD-2018). 2018;3.
Magazine awareness on Breast Cancer: Empowerment of Women for Social Economic Development in Kenya. International Journal of Recent Research & Applied Studies. (IJRRAS. 2018;5(11).