Muslims and party politics and electoral campaigns in Kenya. Institute for the Study of Islamic Thought in Africa Working Paper.
(2009). Publications
‘My voice is nowadays known’, Okatch Biggy, Benga and Luo identity in the 1990s. Muziki, 6, 14-25. Routledge. Website
{Neuroleptic induced tardive dyskinesia in a patient on treatment for schizophrenia: Case report}. East African Medical Journal, 86. Abstract
(2009). Ngũgĩ Wa Thiong’o’s Drama and the Kamĩrĩĩthũ Popular Theater Experiment. African Studies Review, 52(1), 224-225 (Review).
(2009). An Oculomotor Biomarker of Tau Pathology in FTLD. In NEUROLOGY (Vol. 72, p. A411–A411). LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS 530 WALNUT ST, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106-3621 USA.
(2009). “Our Land, Our Heritage” In Guide to Kenya’s National Heritage and Culture. ISBN 9966-14-3. Government of the Republic of Kenya, Nairobi.
(2009). Peasant Response to Agricultural Innovations: Land Consolidation, Agrarian Diversification and Technical Change. The Case of Bungoma District in Western Kenya, 1954-1960.. Ufahamu: A Journal of African Studies, 35.
(2009). Pediatric assent for a study of antiretroviral therapy dosing for children in Western Kenya: A case study in international research collaboration. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 4, 3–16. SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.
(2009). Pendunculopontine nucleus deep brain stimulation (PPN-DBS)-induced oscillopsia: Implications for mechanisms of visual fixation. In MOVEMENT DISORDERS (Vol. 24, p. S463–S464). WILEY-BLACKWELL COMMERCE PLACE, 350 MAIN ST, MALDEN 02148, MA USA.
(2009). The Phenomenon of Spousal Violence: An Ethical Perspective. (VDM Verlag Muller.). Leipzig: Amazon Distribution GmbH.
(2009). Prevalance of premalignant cervical lesions: Comparing visual inspection with Pap smear in women attending HIV care clinic at the Webuye District Hospital, Kenya. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine.
(2009). Primary Teacher Education. Nairobi: JKF.
(2009). Primary Teacher Education. Nairobi: Jomo Kenyatta Foundation.
(2009). Production status and prospects of cocoyam(colocasia esculenta(L. Schott) in East Africa. Journal of Root Crops, 35(1), 98-107.
(2009). Promotion and Protection of All Human Rights. Political, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Including The Right To Development. Geneva: Civil.
(2009). The Quality of Food, Clothing and Shelter provided to Orphaned Children under Foster Care in Kibera Slums in Kenya. East Africa Journal of Public Health Dar es-Salaam, Tanzania, 6(3), 312 –316.
(2009). Realities in breed improvement programmes for dairy goats in East and Central Africa. Small Ruminant Research, 85, 157 - 160. Website Abstract
(2009). Realities in breed improvement programmes for dairy goats in East and Central Africa. Small Ruminant Research, 85, 157 - 160. Website Abstract
(2009). Realities in breed improvement programmes for dairy goats in East and Central Africa. Small Ruminant Research, 85, 157–160. Elsevier.
(2009). Reconciling people's livelihoods and environmental conservation in the rural landscapes in Kenya: Opportunities and challenges in the Amboseli landscapes. In Natural resources forum (Vol. 33, p. 123–133). Wiley Online Library.