Ethnopharmacological survey of the medicinal plants used in Tindiret, Nandi County, Kenya. African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines, 13, 156–168.
(2016). Publications
Ethnopharmacological survey of the medicinal plants used in Tindiret, Nandi County, Kenya. African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines, 13, 156–168. African Ethnomedicines Network (Nigeria).
(2016). Evaluating engrailed-2 and cytokines in urine with serum PSA as potential biomarkers in patients with prostatism at MOI TEACHING AND REFERRAL HOSPITAL, ELDORET, KENYA. East African Medical Journal, 93, 678–683.
(2016). Evaluating engrailed-2 and cytokines in urine with serum PSA as potential biomarkers in patients with prostatism at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya. East African Medical Journal, 93, 678–683. Kenya Medical Association.
(2016). Examining the Contributions of Surface Ozone on Crop Yield Reduction in Nairobi, Kenya. 12th Kenya Meteorological Society Conference.
(2016). Factors Affecting Effective Succession Management in the Civil Service in Kenya: A Case of Ministry of Water and Irrigation. European Journal of Business and Management, 8(16), 26-32.
(2016). Factors affecting implementation of evidence-based practice among physiotherapists in Moi teaching referral hospital, Kenya. International Journal of Physical therapy, 3, 267–272.
(2016). Factors associated with late engagement to HIV care in Western Kenya: a cross-sectional study. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (JIAPAC), 15, 505–511. SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.
(2016). Factors associated with stunting in children under age 2 in the Cambodia and Kenya 2014 Demographic and Health Surveys.. Rockville Maryland ICF DHS Program 2016 Aug.
Factors associated with uptake of visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) for cervical cancer screening in Western Kenya. PloS one, 11, e0157217. Public Library of Science.
(2016). Factors associated with uptake of visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) for cervical cancer screening in Western Kenya. PloS one, 11, e0157217. Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA.
(2016). Factors influencing uptake of family planning services among men in Kenya. East African Medical Journal, 93, 567–575.
(2016). Factors influencing uptake of family planning services among men in Kenya. East African Medical Journal, 93, 567–575. Kenya Medical Association.
(2016). Farmer-led seed enterprise initiatives to access certified seed for traditional African vegetables and its effect on incomes in Tanzania. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 19, 1–24.
(2016). Fisheries as Heritage: Indigenous Methods of Fishing and Conservation among the Luo Fishers of Lake Victoria. In Conservation of Natural and Cultural Heritage in Kenya (Anne-Marie Deisser and Mugwima Njuguna (2016). .). Nairobi: UCL Press .
(2016). FPIES: reviewing the management of food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome. Case Reports in Pediatrics, 2016. Hindawi.
(2016). FPIES: reviewing the management of food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome. Case reports in pediatrics, 2016. Hindawi.
(2016). Frequency and impact of suboptimal immune recovery on first-line antiretroviral therapy within the International Epidemiologic Databases to Evaluate AIDS in East Africa. AIDS (London, England), 30, 1913. Europe PMC Funders.
(2016). Functional Programming in C++14. Asian Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology .
(2016). Gender based determinants of coffee consumption for management of coffee production in Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, 3(1), 206-216.
(2016). Gender Roles and Boy-Child Educational Aspirations in Secondary Schools in Nakuru County, Kenya. European Journal of Education Studies.
(2016). Geo-spatial factors associated with infection risk among young children in rural Ghana: a secondary spatial analysis. Malaria journal, 15, 349. BioMed Central.