Assessing the incidences of late blight disease on Irish potato varieties in Kisii County, Kenya. Annual Research & Review in Biology, 1–8.
(2016). Publications
Assessing the independent and combined effects of subsidies for antimalarials and rapid diagnostic testing on fever management decisions in the retail sector: results from a factorial randomised trial in western Kenya. BMJ global health, 1, e000101. BMJ Specialist Journals.
(2016). Assessment of cold chain management practices in immunization centers in Kacheliba division, Pokot County, Kenya. East African Medical Journal, 93, 141–147.
(2016). Assessment of Contraceptive Uptake among Men Aged 20-50 Years in Mwembe Estate, Kisii Town, Kisii County, Kenya. South American Journal of Public Health, 4, 1–16. E-International Journals of Academic and Scientific Research.
(2016). Assessment of Effects of Heat-Setting Temperatures on Tensile Properties in Polypropylene Single-Fibres. Chemical and Process Engineering Research, 44, 1-7.
(2016). Assessment of Exclusive Breastfeeding among Mothers Attending Immunization Clinic in Kenya: a Case Study of Kericho County. South American Journal of Public Health, 1–10. E-International Journals of Academic and research.
(2016). Assessment of Physical Facilities for Inclusion of Pupils with Physical Challenges in Public Primary Schools in Bungoma County, Kenya. Journal of Special Needs Education, 6, 36-44.
(2016). Assessment of Physical Facilities for Inclusion of Pupils with Physical Challenges in Public Primary Schools in Bungoma County, Kenya. Journal of Special Needs Education, 6, 36–44.
(2016). Associations between the phosphatidylethanol alcohol biomarker and self-reported alcohol use in a sample of HIV-infected outpatient drinkers in Western Kenya. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 40, 1779–1787.
(2016). Asymmetric Information, Demographics, and Housing Decisions amongst Apartment Households in Nairobi County, Kenya. Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 18(11), 57-69.
(2016). Barriers influencing linkage to hypertension care in Kenya: qualitative analysis from the LARK hypertension study. Journal of general internal medicine, 31, 304–314. Springer.
(2016). Being Indian in Kenya feels like ‘having an abusive lover” Examining race relations in modern day Kenya’. In Moi University 11th Annual International Conference. presented at the 9 2016, Moi University Main Campus: Moi University.
(2016). Bilateral mucopyocele of the torus tubarius presenting as headache. JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery, 142, 101–102. American Medical Association.
Is the biology of breast cancer in Africa changing?. East African Medical Journal, 93, 582–585. Kenya Medical Association.
(2016). Board composition and capital structure: evidence from Kenya. Management Research Review. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
(2016). Building the capacity to solve complex health challenges in sub-Saharan Africa: CARTA’s multidisciplinary PhD training. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 107, e381–e386. Springer.
(2016). Burden of severe maternal morbidity and association with adverse birth outcomes in sub–Saharan Africa and south Asia: protocol for a prospective cohort study. Journal of global health, 6. Edinburgh University Global Health Society.
. (2016). Burden, timing and causes of maternal and neonatal deaths and stillbirths in sub–Saharan Africa and South Asia: protocol for a prospective cohort study. Journal of global health, 6. International Society for Global Health.
. (2016). Can performance-based incentives improve motivation of nurses and midwives in primary facilities in northern Ghana? A quasi-experimental study. Global health action, 9, 32404. Taylor & Francis.
(2016). Carrying Capacity Assessment Report. Clemson, SC: Clemson University.
(2016). {Causes of Child and Youth Homelessness in Developed and Developing Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysisCauses of Child and Youth HomelessnessCauses of Child and Youth Homelessness}. JAMA Pediatrics, 170, 435-444. presented at the 05. Website Abstract
(2016). Celebrating the Power of Literature in African Development. IAFOR Journal of Literature & Librarianship, 5. presented at the 11.