Book review: Georgeta Cislaru, Frédéric Pugnière-Saavedra and Frédérique Sitri (eds), Les Carnets du Cediscor, 10. Analyse de Discours et Demande Sociale: Le Cas des Écrits de Signalement. Paris: Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2008. 180 pp. ISBN 978 2 8. Discourse Studies, 12, 557–559. SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England.
(2010). The Cediscor Diaries, 10. Discourse Analysis and Social Demand: The Case of a Written Reporting. SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLAND.
(2010). The challenges of using information communication technology (ICT) in school administration in Kenya. Journal of African Studies in Educational Management and Leadership, 1.
(2010). Characterisation of wild and cultured Oreochromis shiranus in Malawi.. In Second RUFORUM Biennial Regional Conference on" Building capacity for food security in Africa", Entebbe, Uganda, 20-24 September 2010 (p. 1263–1265). RUFORUM.
. (2010). Choosing the right school: Redefining performance in the contemporary Kenyan educational system. Journal of African Studies in Educational Management and Leadership, 1.
(2010). “Communion of Shadows”,“The Return of the Rains, Mwanzo” and“Music Man”. In Counterpoint and Other Poems (poems., p. 61-65). Nairobi: Oxford University Press.
(2010). Contraction of wildlife dispersal area in Olgulului–Ololorashi group ranch around Amboseli National Park, Kenya. The Open Conservation Biology Journal, 4.
(2010). Counterpoint and Other Poems. (2010). Counterpoint and Other Poems.. ( ) (p. 163pp.). Nairobi: Oxford University Press.
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(2010). The Cultural-Historical activity theory: Implications of utilisation of Distance Education in higher education in Kenya. Management Digest: published by the Kenya Institute of management, 2, 57-63.
Determinants of Investor Confidence for Firms Listed at the nairobiStock Exchange. Eldoret: Unpublished Moi University.
(2010). Direct and maternal (co) variance components, genetic parameters and annual trends for growth traits of Dorper sheep in semi-arid Kenya. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 42, 473–481. Springer.
(2010). Direct and maternal (co)variance components, genetic parameters and annual trends for growth traits of Dorper sheep in semi-arid Kenya. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 42, 473–481. presented at the Mar. Website Abstract
(2010). Direct and maternal (co)variance components, genetic parameters and annual trends for growth traits of Dorper sheep in semi-arid Kenya. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 42, 473–481. presented at the Mar. Website Abstract
(2010). Discourse in Interactional Contexts: A Case of Kiswahili. VDM, Verlag-Germany.
(2010). Economic contribution and viability of dairy goats: implications for a breeding programme. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 42, 875–885. presented at the Jun. Website Abstract
(2010). Economic contribution and viability of dairy goats: implications for a breeding programme. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 42, 875–885. presented at the Jun. Website Abstract
(2010). Economic contribution and viability of dairy goats: implications for a breeding programme. Tropical animal health and production, 42, 875–885. Springer.
(2010). Economic evaluation for improvement of dairy cattle in Kenya. In Proceedings of the 9th world congress on genetics applied to livestock production, Leipzig (p. 1–6).