Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Parasitic Infections among Food Handlers in Eldoret Municipality, Kenya. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare. 2014;4(27):160-171.
. Publications
Protein-energy malnutrition among women of child bearing age in semi arid areas of Keiyo District, Kenya. Advances in Life Science and Technology. 2014;24:80–91.
Public perception and awareness of health risks of climate change: A potential for adaptation and mitigation in Kenya. African Journal of Education, Science and Technology. 2014;1:150–154.
The Public Relations as a Management Function and the Challenges to effective internal Public Relations at Kerio Valley Development Authority in Kenya. European Journal of Business and Management. 2014;6(24).
The Quality of Education provided to Orphaned Children under Foster Care. A case of Kibera Slums in Kenya. Utafiti Foundations; 2014 p. 53.
Race disparities in peptide profiles of North American and Kenyan Wilms tumor specimens. J Am Coll Surg. 2014;218:707–20.
Rekindling the service provider passion for work: The Three Reapproach in dealing with burnout among student affairs personnel in Kenyan universities. International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship. 2014;1:655-675.
Relations among optimism, perceived health vulnerability, and academic, self-regulatory, and social self-efficacy in adolescent survivors of childhood cancer. J Psychosocial Oncol [Internet]. 2014;32. Website
Relationship between Demographic Characteristics of Refugee Pupils and Academic Performance in Eldoret Municipality, Uasin Gishu County. Kenya. International Journal of Science and Research. 2014;3(11):1683-1685.
The relevance of intangible cultural heritage in modern times: Evidence from Babukusu male circumcision. Sociology and Anthropology. 2014;2:273–83.
Remittances as a Determinant of Financial Sector Development. Journal of Business, Economics and Finance (JBEF). 2014;3(4):398-424.
Resyllabification of Loan Words in Kalenjin Phonology. Research on Humanities and Social Sciences [Internet]. 2014;4(6). Resyllabification of Loan Words in Kalenjin PhonologyAbstract
Rights Discourse Devoid of Foundations? Provoking Maurice Oduor’s in Reply to Walter Khobe’s Pontification on Horizontal Application. Journal of Law & Ethics . 2014;1(1):100-120.
Risk factors for maternal mortality in a Tertiary Hospital in Kenya: a case control study. BMC pregnancy and childbirth. 2014;14:1–9.
Risk-rated economic values for production and functional traits of Small East African goat using profit functions. In: American Society of Animal Science; 2014.
Risk-rated economic values for production and functional traits of Small East African goat using profit functions. In: American Society of Animal Science; 2014.
Role of employee capacity in the strategic positioning of newly chartered public universities in Kenya: The case of Laikipia University. International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship. 2014;1:393–403.
Role of employee capacity in the strategic positioning of newly chartered public universities in Kenya: The case of Laikipia University. International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship. 2014;1:393–403.
Role of Senior Management Support and Leadership in the Strategic Positioning of Newly Chartered Public Universities in Kenya: The Case of Laikipia University. European Journal of Business and Management. 2014.
Scaling Up: The Case of Nutritional Interventions in the Global South. Innovating for the Global South: Towards an Inclusive Innovation Agenda. 2014:115.
Selected Trace Elements in Domestic Water Boreholes and Their Implications on Human Health, in Huruma Estate, Eldoret Municipality, Uasin-Gishu County, Kenya. Journal of Environmental Protection. 2014;5:65.
Sleep and Sleep Disorders. In: In Your A-Z on Mental Health. 2nd ed. Nairobi: Acrodile Publishing Ltd; 2014. p. .
Sleep and Sleep Disorders, In Your A-Z on Mental Health. In: In Your A-Z on Mental Health. 2nd ed. Nairobi: Acrodile Publishing Ltd; 2014. p. .