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(2014). Semilingulität bei jugendlichen in Kenia beim erwerb der deutschen sprache. University of Nairobi.
(2014). Sleep and Sleep Disorders. In , In Your A-Z on Mental Health (2nd ed.). Nairobi: Acrodile Publishing Ltd.
(2014). Sleep and Sleep Disorders, In Your A-Z on Mental Health. In In Your A-Z on Mental Health (2nd ed.). Nairobi: Acrodile Publishing Ltd.
(2014). Social and Economic Characteristics of Street Youth by Gender and Level of Street Involvement in Eldoret, Kenya. PLOS ONE, 9, 1-9. presented at the 05, Public Library of Science. Website Abstract
(2014). A socio-cultural understanding of death: A genre analysis of obituaries in a Kenyan newspaper. Language Matters, 45, 3–22. Taylor & Francis.
(2014). The Socio-economic Contribution of Cross Border Higher Education to the Development in Africa: a case of Kenyan Students in Kampala International University (KIU), Uganda. International Journal of Education and Research, 2(2).
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(2014). Strategic Management Determinants of Corporate Growthin Selected Micro-Finance Institutions in Kenya. Global journal of commerce and management perspective, 3, 95–119.
(2014). Students’ Co-Currricular Participation Perception and Academic Performance in Kenyan Secondary Schools. Journal of Educational Policy and Entrepreneural Research (JEPER), 1(3), 31–39. Website
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(2014). A Study of Factors Influencing VCT Service Utilization among the Youths: A Case Study of Kapsabet Division, Nandi County, Kenya. World Journal of AIDS, 4, 281. Citeseer.
(2014). A study of the medicinal plants used by the Marakwet Community in Kenya. Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine, 10, 24. BioMed Central.
(2014). Subsidy Interventions; Implementation Challenges and Successes in Secondary Schools. A Case of Selected Counties in Kenya. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) 19,(9), 20, 25.
(2014). Success and challenges of establishing a cervical cancer screening and treatment program in Western Kenya.. International Journal of Gynaecology & Obstetrics , 124(1), 12-18.
(2014). A Survey of Education and Politics of National Development in Kenya. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE), 1, 68–75. Citeseer.
(2014). A Survey of Education and Politics of National Development in Kenya. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE), 1, 68–75.
(2014). The Systematic Phonological Realization in Keiyo Language as Spoken by the Keiyo Community in Kenya. International journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS), 4(6).